Our DIAGNOdent™ pen is tiny but extremely powerful. The handheld device contains a laser fluorescence detector that safely and precisely identifies cavities within the tooth’s structure. At Naperville Dental Specialists, we can catch decay in its earliest stages, allowing for more conservative treatment. When combined with x-rays and a visual examination, DIAGNOdent can ensure your Naperville dentist has the full picture when it comes to your oral health.
Studies have shown DIAGNOdent is over 90% accurate in detecting cavities that weren’t found with an explorer or intraoral x-rays.
Early Detection
By uncovering cavities early on, we’re able to preserve more of your tooth’s natural structure and treat conservatively.

Improved Patient Experience
The portable pen is small and relies on light energy for maximum comfort. We can evaluate your teeth in seconds, which also saves you time.
An exam with DIAGNOdent is painless and completely non-invasive. The pen relies on light energy and emits zero radiation.