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What’s the best adhesive to keep upper denture in?

By August 20, 2016December 3rd, 2018Dental Implants, Dentures

I’m in the third month of wearing dentures. I was expecting problems with the lower dentures but it’s the upper dentures that are giving me problems. They click or loosen from my palate at the most embarrassing times. When I first got them they seemed to fit perfectly. Now I am almost to the point where I hate them. It is really frustrating to think that I paid so much for them and they keep popping off. What is the best product to keep them in? Grayson

Grayson – Before considering a product to keep your upper dentures in, make an appointment with your dentist. Upper dentures are usually held in place by the suction of your palate. If you’ve only had them for a little more than two months, they should not be dislodging at all.

Your dentures may need to be lined again. If after relining you continue to have a problem with the fit of your dentures, consider getting a second opinion. It is possible that your dentures were incorrectly sized, or the impressions of your mouth weren’t taken correctly. A second opinion can help to clearly identify the issue.

Your dentures can be secured with dental implants. The implants will stabilize them and prevent jawbone shrinkage, which occurs after years of having all of your teeth missing. Implants improve your ability to eat and speak with dentures.

If you want to consider stabilizing your dentures with implants, see an experienced and credentialed prosthodontist. He or she will first ensure your dentures fit well. After that the base of your dentures can likely be altered to accommodate dental implants.

If you still need denture adhesive, ask your dentist for recommendations.

This post is sponsored by Naperville dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

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