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Dental Implant Failure

Three Ways to Avoid Dental Implant Failure

By Dental Implant Failure, Dental Implants

Each year about 500,000 Americans receive dental implants. Scientific literature reports a 98 percent success rate for dental implants. So why are so many people concerned about dental implant failure? In part, it may be due to the seriousness of the signs and symptoms.

Signs and Symptoms of Dental Implant Failure

  • Swelling and bleeding around the implants after a normal healing period
  • Loose dental implants
  • Painful implants
  • Implant infection

Avoiding Dental Implant Failure

How can dental implant failure be avoided? We’ll discuss three key factors to be aware of before you choose your implant dentist.

1. Three-dimensional diagnostic studies

Some dentists will place dental implants without 3-D xrays or a CT scan. They might believe that a standard x-rays are enough. But what if dental implants are placed in a way that punctures sinuses or impinge nerves? These mistakes can be avoided with 3-D diagnostic studies.

2. Quality implant fixtures

Although the average patient doesn’t know which dental implants are of the highest quality, a skilled implant dentist or prosthodontist knows. Ask your implant dentist which brand of implants he or she uses. Nobel Biocare and Straumann are leaders in implant fixtures. Other high-quality manufacturers are 3i, Zimmer, and BioHorizons, and Astrotech. If your dentist uses a different brand, ask why, and do some research on the brand. Schedule a second-opinion appointment with a different prosthodontist and ask what he or she thinks about that brand.

3. The skill of the dentist

Implantology is not a recognized dental specialty, but quality placement of dental implants requires much skill. Look for a dentist who has credentials from the American Board of Oral Implantology or the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. A prosthodontist is a specialist with two years of post-graduate training in tooth restoration and replacement.

After you identify two or three skilled and credentialed implant dentists, schedule a consultation with each of them. Ask each dentist what he or she does to ensure successful outcomes for dental implant patients. Consultations are your opportunity to ask questions and discuss your options so you can make an informed decision of the best provider of your implants.

This post is sponsored by American-board certified prosthodontist and Naperville implant dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

If my All on 4 implants are healed, can I smoke every now and then?

By All-on-4 Dental Implants, Dental Implant Failure, Dental Implants

I got All on 4 implants in January 2015. Before I got the implants my surgeon told me that I had to quit smoking, so I did quit. I wanted to implants to heal correctly and I just found out 2 weeks ago that they are completely healed and everything is fine. I have actually enjoyed the benefits of not smoking. I feel healthier and my skin looks better. Part of my smoking though, was for social reasons. I still hang out with the same guys. After a few rounds of golf we get a few drinks and smoke cigars. I have been tempted to smoke a few times lately. Now that the implants are healed can I smoke every now and then with minimal risk? Thanks. David C.

David – Any smoking, whether it’s long- or short-term, can increase the risk of dental implant failure—even if the implants have already healed.

Smoking poses a risk for dental implants becauseit can cause gum irritation and inflammation. The inflammation promotes periodontal, or gum, disease. If these problems occur around the dental implants, it can cause an infection and implant failure.

Blood flow is also restricted when you smoke. Sufficient blood flow is needed for healthy gums and jawbone. Healthy gums and jawbone are essential for the longevity of All-On-4 dental implants.

It is possible that you can smoke during social occasions and maintain healthy gums, but is it worth the risk? There is no way of determining when or how your gums will be affected by smoking. Smoking socially increases the risk of completely returning to the habit.

We advise that you remain a non-smoker. Your oral health and the longevity of your dental implants will only benefit from it.

This post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

Prosthodontist or another dentist for a broken implant?

By Dental Implant Failure, Dental Implants, Prosthodontist


I didn’t know about a prosthodontist until I found your website on my Google search for failed dental implants. I think you may be able to advise me on my situation: My dentist sent me to a oral surgeon to get a implant. The surgeon did a beautiful job on the bone grafting and implant. I went back to my dentist in October to get the crown. Something just didn’t feel write when he was putting it on. Anyway the implant hurts and it is loose. So of course I didn’t go back to my dentist, I went to another one to take a look at it and he said yes it is loose and he can refer me to an endodontist to fix it. Hmm. Then I am going to have to go back to my dentist to get a crown on it which is how this started in the first place. I didn’t have any trouble until my dentist put the crown on. What should I do? – Helena

Helena– Find a dentist who is trained in implantology, such as a prosthodontist. You may need to have bone grafted to ensure the implant is stable, but the problem can be corrected.

Check the credentials of the dentist to see if he or she has extensive training specific to dental implants. You can check for credentials from the International Congress of Oral Implantologists or the American Board of Oral Implantology. Ask questions and express your concerns about the placement of your crown.

An advantage of receiving dental implants from a prosthodontist is that he or she completes every place of the process. Diagnostic studies, planning, surgery, and crown placement are all completed by the same specialists. Prosthodontists have extensive experience in implant placement and can often provide more predictable outcomes.

Schedule consultations with two or three implant dentists, and include a prosthodontist as a second or third opinion. We know this situation has been a disappointment for you, and we wish you the best on your future treatment.


Do her dental implants need to be redone?

By Dental Implant Failure, Dental Implants

My wife had 6 dental implants done in the Philippines. We stayed for 3 days for a follow up appt. to make sure everything looked good. When we got back to the states, after just 5 weeks 2 upper implants and two lower implants are very loose. 4 out of 6 doesn’t sound like good odds to us. She is afraid to eat anything other than soft foods because she is afraid that they may come completely loose and she chokes on them. The implant dentist said that she had enough jawbone density for the implants. We don’t understand why this is happening. I hate to see her suffer like this. Neither of us want to go back to the Philippines even though the doctor there is willing so see her and fix whatever is wrong. Of course he is the one that caused the problem so do we really want to return? What do you suggest? Do her dental implants need to be redone?Thank you very much. Ted R.

Ted – Your wife’s experience is very unfortunate. It does underscore the importance of finding a highly-skilled and trained implant dentist who uses high-quality implant fixtures.

When dental implants are loose, it is possible that cheap implant fixtures were used. A cheap implant fixture can cost $3 to $5, but a quality fixture that has been thoroughly tested costs $300 to $500.

There are hundreds of companies that make dental implants, but only six of them produce implants that meet the high standards of the American Dental Association and the Food and Drug Administration. Cheap implant fixtures are more likely to results in implant mistakes or failure, resulting in implants that loosen and cause infection.

Another possibility is that the dental implants for your wife were improperly placed. Extensive diagnostic studies and careful planning are required to properly place implants.

We suggest that choose a skilled implant dentist or prosthodontist in the U.S. to examine your wife’s dental implants. He or she will recommend the appropriate treatment to correct the situation. Look for implant dentists who are associated with the American Board of Oral Implantology or the International Congress of Oral Implantology. If your second opinon doesn’t thoroughly address the issue may even be helpful to get a third opinion

This post is sponsored by Naperville dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

What matters most in preventing dental implant failure?

By Dental Implant Failure, Dental Implants

I’ve decided to get dental implants this fall. I need 4 of them so this is really going to be a big expense for me, but I know it will be worth it. I know that a specialist is needed to place the implant and a dentist is needed to the crown on the implant. After reading online about dental implant failure, I am a little confused about which dentist is more important in preventing the implants from going bad. What matters most to get implants that will last? Is it the work of the surgeon or the work dentist who places the crown and the lab that is used? Marvel

Marvel – Good question. As you likely know, the process of receiving successful dental implants starts with careful planning and diagnostic studies. But quality implant fixtures, surgery, and a restoring dental crown are also crucial to the success of implants.

After implant surgery, the jawbone must properly heal and fuse with the dental implant. When it heals, the lab creates the restoration (dental crown) that is secured to the implant. The quality and fit of the dental crown prevents an improper bite. This can affect how long your dental implant will last.

If you receive a well-made implant crown and it’s placed incorrectly by your dentist, the implant may still fail if it wasn’t properly placed during surgery. This emphasizes the importance of finding a skilled implant surgeon and a restoring dentist.

Many people recognize the skill level required for quality dental implants and crowns and choose to find a board-certified prosthodontist. A prosthodontist has advanced training in implant placement and in proper crown creation and placement.

Before you choose a provider, we recommend that you visit several implant dentists. Get information on the credentials of the implant surgeon and the dentist who will be placing the crown. Even if you choose to prosthodontist for your care, verify his or her experience first.


This post is sponsored by board-certified prosthodontist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

Avoiding dental implant failure

By Dental Implant Failure, Dental Implants

According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, each year about 500,000 Americans get dental implants. Although no one can guarantee the success of your dental implants, there are some precautions that can be taken to help avoid implant failure. We’ll review four of them. Consider them vital. If an implant fails, it needs to be removed. There will be a healing period before the implant can be replaced. Also, poorly placed implants can damage nerves, sinus and more.

Dental Implant Failure Precautions

CT Scans

There are dentists who perform CT scans on a limited basis, and for some implant cases not at all. But performing them for every implant candidate can help prevent failure. Why? CT scans reveal more and ensure accurate implant placement. Cysts, polyps, nerves, sinuses, bone density, and other structures can be clearly seen with 3-D scans. An incorrectly placed dental implant can result in pain, suffering, and implant failure for the patient.

Dental Implant Fixtures

Top implant dentists use high-quality fixtures. Implant fixtures that have strict quality-control guidelines give you confidence that implants won’t fail because they are cheap or poorly made. Some dentists try to save money by using less expensive implants, but the sacrifice in quality is costly to the patient. Some of the top manufacturers are 3i, Astrotech, BioHorizons, Nobel Biocare, Straumann, and Zimmer.

The Implant Dentist

Implantology is not an officially recognized specialty, so any dentist can take courses and start placing implants. Look for advanced training and credentials. Accreditation, diplomate, or fellowship status reflect extensive training along with scrutiny of the dentist’s implant cases. There are quality implant dentists who do not have these credentials, but when you find one who does, it will help ensure that you get the results you want—quality implants that will last a lifetime.

This post is sponsored by Naperville board-certified prosthodontist and implant dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

3 implants failed. How do I know if my dentist used cheap implants?

By Affordable Dental Implants, Dental Implant Failure, Dental Implants

I received 4 dental implants in March of this year. Everything seems to be going okay in June. I noticed some swelling and pain in 3 of them. I scheduled several appointments with my dentist who explained it away by saying sometimes the healing takes longer for some patients than others. This month the implants are starting to get loose and my dentist decided that they are going to fail. Before things got worse, he recommended that they all be removed. The explanation I was given was that for some reason my body is rejecting the implants. I am not sure that there is a basis for this explanation. How do I know if my body is really rejecting the implants? Could it be that cheap implants were used? How can I tell? Thank you. – Andrius

Andrius- You won’t be able to tell if substandard implant fixtures were used. Nor can you determine if your body is rejecting the implants. You need a second opinion—and perhaps a third opinion—from a skilled, experienced implant dentist.

You should request copies of your dental records, including diagnostic studies. The dentist(s) from whom you receive a second or third opinion will use the information, in addition to an exam of your fixtures and the implant sites, to determine why your implants have failed. If necessary, new 3-D x-rays will be taken.

The implant placement, implant fixtures, or your body’s reaction to the implants may be a cause of the failure. Lack of bone density, improper maintenance, smoking, and periodontal (gum) disease can also cause failure. But to be certain of the reason for your case, investigation is needed.

Don’t delay getting the second or third opinions. An infection will worsen until it is treated. If you are still eligible to receive dental implants, after the failed fixtures are removed, there will be a healing period before they can be replaced.

This post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist and board-certified prosthodontist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.


Gums still swollen after dental implants were taken out

By Dental Implant Failure, Dental Implants

I had my 4 dental implants taken out 3 weeks ago because over a 10 mo. period there were too many problems with them. My gums stayed swollen and hurting. They are still swollen after 3 weeks. The surgeon told me they are still healing but I am not sure they should be swollen and hurting like this. Is this normal? – Quince

Quince – Even after your dental implants are removed, it is still possible to have some swelling and pain if there is an infection in your gums. We suggest that you get a second opinion to have the implant sites examined.

When implants are placed or removed, some pain and swelling is normal. When pain and swelling persist, there is a problem. Pain after removal should diminish within a week. A prosthodontist, a specialized dentist with training in implant placement and tooth restoration, can help. An examination will be required, along with diagnostic studies (x-rays), unless you’ve had them recently.

It will be helpful to bring your dental records along with you to the appointment. We hope that you get some and answers and relief very soon.

This post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist and board-certified prosthodontist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

Tooth fractured and pulled after dental implant placement and I’m still in pain

By Dental Implant Mistakes, Dental Implant Failure, Dental Implants

After having 2 dental implants placed last November I began to have pain from what seemed like one of the implants. Eventually the pain became severe. I made an appointment with my dentist to take a look at the implant and he said that the pain was coming from the tooth next to the implant. He said that the tooth must have been fractured somehow during the implant placement. He pulled the fractured tooth and said that I should be okay in about 2 weeks. I was really frustrated thinking that now I need a third dental implant. Anyway that was a two months and I am still in pain. Not as much pain, but it is very uncomfortable. I am really dreading going back to this dentist because I am thinking what is going to go wrong next. I know that I can’t stay away from the dentist because of the pain that I feel. I am not sure what to do next. – Regina W.

Regina – We suggest that you make an appointment with an experienced implant dentist to receive a second opinion. It is possible that there is a problem with the implant. It may be pinching a nerve or perhaps it was in some other way incorrectly placed.

At this point, you need an examination and x-ray to determine the cause of your pain. Once the source of the pain is identified, you can decide which implant dentist you would like to resolve the issue.

This post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist and board-certified prosthodontist. Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

My gums swollen over 1 year after dental implant placed

By Dental Implant Mistakes, Dental Implant Failure, Dental Implants

I got 3 dental implants 1 ½ yrs ago. The healing seems to be fine but now the gum around 1 of them is swollen. I take good care of my real teeth and the implants. I now live 6 hours away from the dentist who placed the implants. I made sure not to relocate before everything was healed. Why is this happening now? Jennifer

Jennifer – Swelling around the implant right after implant surgery is normal. Swelling will peak in approximately 48 hours and will gradually diminish in about one week.

Swelling like yours that occurs over a year after the implant surgery is a reason for concern. It is possible that there is a problem with the implant or you may have an infection.

Your tooth needs to be examined by an experienced implant dentist for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

This post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist and board-certified prosthodontist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

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