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8 Simple Tips for Keeping Your Breath Fresh All Day Long

By Blog, Oral Health

Whether you’re at work, hanging out with friends or just going about your day, having fresh breath gives you an extra boost of confidence. It’s also a reflection of your oral health.

After recently celebrating National Fresh Breath Day 2024, which was held on August 6, our Naperville dentists wanted to share some actionable tips. In this post, we’ll be covering how to keep your breath fresh all day long.

1. Stay Hydrated

Hydration is key to keeping your mouth moist and smelling fresh. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day and swishing with water after eating helps wash away food particles and bacteria, which are often responsible for unpleasant odors in the mouth. Sipping water also stimulates saliva production, providing a natural defense against bad breath.

2. Brush and Floss Regularly

Brushing and flossing every day keeps the bad odors away. Be sure to brush your teeth in the morning and before bed for two full minutes each time using a soft-bristled toothbrush.

As for the best toothpaste for fresh breath, go for one with the ADA Seal of Acceptance, which indicates the toothpaste contains fluoride and that the manufacturer provided clinical evidence to support the product’s safety and efficacy.

Still have bad breath after brushing? That could be because brushing only cleans about 60% of the surface area of your teeth. Flossing is critical for removing plaque and food particles from in between the teeth and around the gumline. To bring out the best in your breath, you’ll need to floss at least once daily, preferably at night, so nothing is left on your teeth while you’re sleeping and saliva production is slow.

3. Add Mouthwash to Your Daily Routine

Incorporating a quality mouthwash into your oral hygiene routine provides an extra layer of protection against bad breath. Swishing it in the morning and at night gets rid of any lingering bacteria and food.

According to the American Dental Association, when choosing the best mouthwash for fresh breath, look for one that contains active ingredients, such as cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) or essential oils. These kill the bacteria associated with the unpleasant odors instead of covering them up.

We’d also suggest going for an alcohol-free option, especially if you suffer from dry mouth, because alcohol can dry the oral tissues out, which is a trigger for bad breath.

4. Scrape Your Tongue

Though brushing, flossing and swishing will go a long way in keeping breath fresh, bacteria also like to cling to the tongue. If your oral health is good, you can get away with carefully brushing your tongue with your toothbrush. If you have a coating on your tongue from bacterial overgrowth, which can happen if you’re a smoker or you have dry mouth, using a tongue scraper once a day is your best bet.

5. Clean Restorations and Appliances

Be sure to clean dentures and bridges daily. You’ll also want to clean your retainers, mouthguards or Invisalign® aligners before putting them in your mouth. Otherwise, you’re increasing the amount of bacteria in your mouth, which, as we’ve established, is one of the major causes of bad breath.

6. Chew Sugar-Free Gum

A lot of mints and breath sprays mask odors. The benefits are only temporary and, sometimes, your breath is even worse once the effects dissipate. Chewing sugar-free gum is a better way to keep your breath fresh all day.

While chewing sugarless gum anytime will freshen your breath on the go, chewing it after meals is particularly effective. This is because it dislodges food particles and stimulates the flow of saliva, neutralizing acids and preventing smelly bacteria from setting up shop in your teeth.

The best gum for fresh breath is often one that contains xylitol. Xylitol is a natural sweetener that helps to zap cavity-causing bacteria. Strong flavors like mint or cinnamon will have the biggest impact on your breath.

7. Watch Your Diet

Foods and drinks like garlic, onions and coffee are notorious for causing bad breath. The sulfur compounds in garlic and onions are actually absorbed in your bloodstream and released when you exhale, so the effects can last for hours. Avoid odor-creating foods and beverages before important events where you need to have fresh breath. When you do enjoy them, brush afterwards.

For full-day fresh breath power, opt for smile-friendly foods. Crunchy fruits and vegetables like peppers, apples, carrots and broccoli stimulate saliva, help remove plaque as you eat them and create an inhospitable environment for oral bacteria.

Sugar-free yogurt with probiotic bacteria is another breath freshener. Researchers at Tsurumi University in Japan found that eating it reduced the levels of odor-causing sulfide compounds, most notably hydrogen sulfide, by 80% over six weeks.

Lastly, give herbs a try. Parsley contains chlorophyll, which is thought to have a deodorizing effect on the mouth. Other options like fennel seeds, cloves, mint and anise have been used to freshen breath for centuries as well.

8. Book a Dental Exam and Cleaning

Keeping up with routine dental exams and cleanings is one of the most powerful things you can do to maintain fresh breath and optimal oral health. During professional cleanings, the hygienist uses special tools to remove plaque and tartar (hardened plaque) that regular brushing can’t, leaving your smile clean and odor-free.

Additionally, your dentist can identify any underlying conditions, such as gum disease, cavities or dry mouth that are causing persistent bad breath even after brushing. You can also ask them how to keep your breath fresh all day and they’ll provide you with personalized recommendations based on your unique needs.

The Bottom Line

Practicing excellent oral hygiene, using a therapeutic mouthwash with active ingredients, watching what you eat and visiting the dentist for routine care will help you maintain fresh breath over the long term.

Schedule a Dental Exam and Cleaning in Naperville

Ready to take an important step towards a healthier smile and fresher breath, book a dental exam and cleaning at Naperville Dental Specialists today!

Oral Health-Boosting Chewing Gums: Effective or Marketing Gimmicks?

By Blog, Dental

Did you know that chewing gum isn’t just for freshening your breath? Many say they offer oral health benefits. From mastic gum to xylitol gum to oral probiotic gum, does science back these claims, or are they just marketing tactics? Here, Dr. Anthony LaVacca and the Naperville Dental Specialists team break down three of the most popular kinds of oral health-boosting gums and see if they live up to the hype.

Xylitol Gum: A Sweet Solution for Your Teeth

What exactly is xylitol gum? Well, first, let’s clarify what xylitol is. Xylitol is a natural sugar alcohol found in many fruits and vegetables. It’s a sugar substitute that’s lower in calories and doesn’t raise blood sugar levels like refined white sugar or glucose-fructose. So, gum with xylitol is better for your health than gum with other sugars… that includes your oral health! How? Studies show several oral health benefits of xylitol, such as:

Reduces Cavities: Xylitol can reduce the risk of cavities by inhibiting the growth of Streptococcus mutans, the bacteria responsible for tooth decay. With xylitol, the bacteria in the mouth changes, resulting in fewer and fewer decay-causing bacteria on teeth. This leads to less plaque formation and lower levels of acids that weaken your tooth enamel. Remember, though, chewing xylitol isn’t a replacement for brushing, flossing, and these tricks for leveling up your oral health.

Increases Saliva Production: The action of chewing stimulates saliva flow, which helps neutralize acids in the mouth and washes away food particles. The bonus with chewing xylitol — and what makes it the best sugar-free gum for teeth — is that you get both increased saliva without the detrimental effects of other sugars.

ADA Approval: Many xylitol gums have received the American Dental Association’s (ADA) Seal of Acceptance, indicating they meet rigorous health safety and efficacy standards.

Mastic Gum: Ancient Remedy or Modern Miracle?

Your first question might be, “What is mastic gum?” It’s not typically something you’ll find in the candy aisle. Mastic gum is a resin from the mastic tree, primarily found in Greece. It’s been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine since one of the main mastic gum benefits is its antimicrobial properties.

So, does mastic gum work to improve your oral health? Though more studies are required, existing studies on mastic chewing gum suggest it can help reduce cavities. Mastic gum benefits include:

Reduces Bacterial Load: Mastic gum has been shown to reduce the bacteria levels in the mouth, which can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Antioxidant Properties: It contains antioxidants that can help protect the gums and teeth from damage.

Improves Digestion: One study indicated that mastic gum helped with dyspepsia — a group of digestive system conditions. Better digestion can lead to improved overall health, including your mouth.

Want to check out a mastic gum product to see what it’s like? Here’s one mastic gum brand for more information.

Probiotic Gum: A New Frontier for Oral Health?

Maybe equally unfamiliar is our third type of gum: probiotic gum. What is probiotic gum? You ask. Probiotic gum contains a good kind of bacteria that’s supposed to help balance the oral microbiome. The idea is similar to taking probiotic supplements for gut health, but the bacteria strains in probiotic gum are specific to the oral environment. These probiotics colonize your mouth’s teeth, gums, and soft tissues, creating a biofilm of good bacteria.

Like the studies on mastic gum benefits, more studies are needed on probiotic gum to prove its benefits fully. But, one study does show that probiotic supplements like probiotic gum show promise for treating and preventing oral health issues.

So, what would the best gum with probiotics do for teeth and gums? The best probiotic gum would:

Reduce Plaque: Some studies suggest probiotic gum can reduce plaque formation and help manage gingivitis.

Combat Bad Breath: Probiotics can help combat bad breath by reducing harmful bacteria in the mouth.

Check out what this probiotic gum brand has to say about itself!

So, Is Gum Good for Your Teeth?

Now that we’ve covered a few of the most common gums that boast oral health benefits, how can we answer the question, “Is gum good for your teeth?” As we mentioned when talking about xylitol, at least the mechanical act of chewing gum increases saliva flow, which helps neutralize acids and remove food particles. Chewing gum also activates our taste buds, which produce saliva.

However, not all gums are created equal. For proven oral health benefits, we say the best gum is xylitol gum — or those with the ADA Seal of Acceptance. Mastic and probiotic gum have some science to back them up, but more research is needed.

Getting Dental Care (and Trusted Info!) From Your Naperville Dentists

The team at Naperville Dental Specialists cares about your oral health — what we can do as dental professionals to bring out your best smile and how we can guide your at-home dental care. If you need more info about gum or other products that say they’re good for your teeth, we’re here with expert advice.

Contact us to make your next appointment at our award-winning Naperville dental practice, whether for a cleaning or more complex dental care like a bridge or dental implants. We’re happy to answer any questions you have when you come in!

Here’s What You Should Know About HPV and Oral Cancer

By Blog, Oral Health

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month so there’s no better time to shed light on a critical oral health issue: the connection between Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and oral cancer in the throat. Surprised that HPV can cause oral cancer? It’s not one of the first connections people often make when they think of HPV. That’s why the team at Naperville Dental Specialists wants to talk about it here. We care not only about your dental health by providing everything you need from general to cosmetic dentistry , but also about how your oral health affects your overall well-being.

The Connection Between HPV and Oral Cancer

Oral cancer can affect all adults and includes cancers of the mouth and the back of the throat. While tobacco and alcohol use are often what we initially associate with oral cancers, the HPV virus, particularly HPV16, also causes oropharyngeal cancers (back of the throat, base of the tongue, and tonsils). In fact, research has indicated that 70% of oropharyngeal cancers are caused by HPV 16. So if someone were to ask you, “Can HPV cause throat cancer?” the answer is a definite yes.

HPV-Related Throat Cancer Symptoms

If you haven’t received the HPV vaccination and you end up contracting it, it can be years between contracting HPV and developing HPV-related throat cancer. You see, your immune system does try to fight off the HPV infection but if it isn’t successful after a year or two, it can stay in your body and cause cancer. In other words, you don’t know when HPV throat cancer symptoms could appear. And what does HPV do to your throat? HPV can change the cells in your throat, infecting the squamous cells that line the inner surface of your oropharynx with cancer.

Now, we should take a moment to talk about the difference between what’s called “oral cavity cancers” and “throat/oropharyngeal cancers”. Oral cavity cancer happens on the lips or mouth (but not in the throat). HPV is not connected to oral cavity cancers like it is with throat cancer. Instead, oral cavity cancer is caused by tobacco and alcohol use, and sometimes the UV exposure from prolonged use of tanning beds.

So back to throat cancer, the big question is, what symptoms should you pay attention to that might indicate throat cancer from HPV? Throat cancer symptoms can include:

  • A sore throat doesn’t get better
  • A lump in your throat, back of your mouth, or neck
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Trouble opening your mouth fully or moving your tongue
  • Ear pain
  • Changes in your voice
  • Coughing up blood.

HPV Stage 1 Early Throat Cancer: Catch it Early for Successful Treatment

As with many types of cancer, recognizing HPV-related throat cancer in its early stage is important. Early stage throat cancer — Stages 1, 2, or sometimes 3 — is typically treatable. So be aware of early throat cancer symptoms and see your family doctor or your Naperville dentist right away if you experiencing any of them. But also keep in mind that HPV Stage 1 early throat cancer sometimes doesn’t have symptoms, which is why regular throat and oral cancers screenings are crucial.

The Importance of Throat and Oral Cancer Screening

Regular oral cancer screenings can detect cancerous and precancerous conditions in your throat, even before symptoms develop. The first step in an oral cancer screening? A physical examination of your mouth and throat by your doctor or a screening by your dentist using VELscope®. If findings are of concern, you might then see an ENT for further examination and diagnosis.

What is VELscope?

VELscope is a radiation-free, non-invasive and painless examination technology used by dentists to screen for oral cancer in the throat. This handheld device allows us to see any abnormal tissue that we couldn’t see with the naked eye, whether you have throat cancer symptoms or not. How does this technology work for throat and oral cancer screening? The VELscope tool emits specific wavelengths of blue spectrum light into your mouth to stimulate natural tissue fluorescence which can be viewed directly through the VELscope. Abnormal tissue will look different than healthy tissue.

Schedule Your VelScope Appointment to Screen for HPV-Related Throat Cancer

Now that you’re more informed about the connection between HPV and oral cancer in the throat, screening should be on your mind. As part of our cutting-edge approach to dental care, Naperville Dental Specialists offers state-of-the-art VelScope oral cancer screenings. You can easily include it onto your next check-up and cleaning appointment at our Naperville office.

Be proactive about your health and schedule your VELscope appointment with our experienced, award-winning team.

Dental Care During Pregnancy

Smiles for Two: 6 Reasons You Should Keep Up With Dental Care During Pregnancy

By General Dentistry, Oral Health

Pregnancy is a rollercoaster. You’ve got excitement and anticipation mixed with morning sickness and physical discomfort. There’s baby names and nursery decor, doctor’s appointments and vitamins. And what else? Remembering dental care during pregnancy. Here, your Naperville dentists cover six reasons why looking after your oral health while pregnant is vital.

  1. Hormones, Hormones, Hormones

When you’re pregnant, your hormones are doing all sorts of things they weren’t doing before. And you might be surprised to know that these hormonal fluctuations can actually affect your gums with symptoms like redness, swelling, even bleeding when you brush and floss. This is commonly known as “pregnancy gingivitis,” and it can worsen if you ignore it.

 If you notice these symptoms, it’s a good reason for going to the dentist while pregnant. You’ll want an experienced dentist like our team at Naperville Dental Specialists to examine your symptoms and help you find a solution.

Even if you don’t experience changes to your gums, the possibility of pregnancy gingivitis is a great reason to keep up with going to the dentist for regular cleanings and check ups while pregnant. Your dentist can catch any pregnancy-related issues in the early stages and recommend professional preventative treatment or helpful at-home care.

  1. Pregnancy Tumors—Yeah, It’s a Thing

Rest assured, it’s not as scary as it sounds but it can be concerning. Pregnancy tumors are overgrowths of tissue that appear on the gums, typically in the second trimester. They’re not cancerous, but they can be uncomfortable and can bleed easily. They can also feel or look strange in your mouth, cause discomfort, or get in the way of eating or your oral hygiene. 

If so, go ahead and see the dentist when you’re pregnant about this issue. Depending on your case, your dentist at Naperville Dental Specialists might opt to remove the excess gum tissue in a quick procedure under local anesthesia. With our modern, state-of-the-art office and friendly approach, your appointment will be efficient and comfortable.

  1. Hello, Morning Sickness

It’s the gift that keeps on giving… and makes you practice extra diligent dental care during pregnancy. Morning sickness can mean you’re brushing your teeth more than twice a day — after every instance even. Not only do you want to clean away the taste of morning sickness in your mouth but the stomach acid that also comes up can weaken your teeth. 

Always use a fluoride toothpaste and rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash. And if your usual minty fresh flavor makes you feel ill? Try brushing with a fruit-flavored toothpaste or rinsing with a kids’ mouthwash. 

  1. Oral Hygiene Affects Baby’s Health

Oral health and pregnancy isn’t only about your health, it’s about your baby’s health, too. You might be surprised to learn that poor dental care during pregnancy can lead to issues like premature birth and low birth weight. See, the bacteria in your mouth can get into your bloodstream and affect your baby. So every time you skip flossing or delay that dentist appointment, you’re taking a risk that’s not just about you anymore. 

  1. Mom’s Diet Matters

Giving in to those sugar cravings with sweets every time isn’t great for your teeth or your baby’s health. Instead, opt for teeth-healthy foods rich in vitamins A, C, and D, as well as calcium and protein. These nutrients help both the baby’s developing teeth and yours. Sugary snacks also turn into sticky plaque on your teeth, setting the stage for cavities if you don’t follow up with extra diligent at-home dental care during pregnancy. 

  1. Plan Ahead For A Healthy Smile

The American Pregnancy Association recommends planning visits to the dentist when pregnant for the second trimester and scheduling major dental work or cosmetic treatments for before you conceive if you can or wait until after giving birth. So what types of dental care treatment are okay during pregnancy? Non-invasive dentist treatments such as cleanings and scaling, root planing, even fillings are typically safe when pregnant — however, let your dentist know how far along you are so they can determine the safest and healthiest course of action. 

Of course, going to the dentist when pregnant can get a little uncomfortable, but you can be confident that your caring Naperville dentists will ensure your comfort, with breaks to sit up or change positions when you need.

Stay On Top of Your Dental Care During Pregnancy WIth Your Naperville, IL Dentists

From tackling hormone-induced gingivitis to preventative cleanings and checkups, including good dental care during pregnancy is beneficial for both you and your baby. Dr. Anthony LaVacca and the dental team at Naperville Dental Specialists are here with comprehensive dentistry that suits this unique time during pregnancy. 

Contact us for that cleaning, level up your at-home oral hygiene, and smile your way through pregnancy!

Girl in pain using home remedies for tooth pain

What Are The Home Remedies for Tooth Pain That Really Work?

By Toothache, Blog No Comments

You bite down on something hard and suddenly get a shooting pain in your tooth? You try to shrug it off and tell yourself it will go away on its own, but a day later, your tooth is throbbing and the pain is so bad you can’t concentrate at work or even sleep. In an effort to put off going to the dentist a little longer, you hop on Google to find out how to stop tooth pain fast. The good news is, while, yes, you will need to seek dental care sooner rather than later, there are home remedies for tooth pain that are safe and effective to use until you can make an appointment 

Keep in mind that tooth pain is an indication that something is wrong. The earlier you see a dentist, the easier and less invasive treatment will be. Your dentist will also be able to rule out or treat things like tooth and gum infections and abscesses, which, if not addressed, can spread to the surrounding bone and tissue, or even other areas of the body, potentially causing systemic problems. 

That being said, these home remedies for tooth pain may help to reduce discomfort. They won’t eliminate pain permanently or get rid of an infection, but they can provide temporary relief. The team members here at our Naperville general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry and specialty practice are sharing some of the common causes of tooth pain and tips for keeping yourself comfortable in the short term. 

What are the Causes of Tooth Pain?

The common causes of toothaches, include:

Tooth Decay 

A cavity, or tooth decay, is the most common culprit behind a toothache. While you might not feel any discomfort at first, if not treated, a cavity will get larger and can reach the tooth’s nerve, which is one of the main causes of severe tooth pain. Tooth nerve pain is often persistent and throbbing. While pain may go away temporarily if the nerve dies, it still needs to be treated to prevent more serious infection or tooth loss. Usually, if you have a large cavity, pain will be sharp and significant enough to wake you up at night. Pain may also get worse when you’re lying down. Your best bet is to visit the dentist at the first sign of pain, before it becomes unbearable. Small to medium cavities can often be fixed with a tooth-colored filling. Larger areas of tooth decay could need a dental crown or, if it reaches the tooth’s pulp, a root canal.

Loose Crown or a Loose or Missing Filling

A loose crown or loose filling can allow bacteria and food particles to get trapped beneath them, which can lead to pain and, eventually, decay or pulpitis (inflammation of the tooth’s pulp). You may also experience sensitivity and a sensation of pressure in your tooth. If a filling falls out completely, this can leave behind a large space that gets packed with food, leading to pain when chewing or even worse tooth sensitivity. Thankfully, a loose crown or missing or loose filling is usually simple to fix if dealt with quickly. 

Dental Abscess

An untreated tooth infection can lead to a dental abscess. An abscess typically looks like a small pimple on the gums and it’s filled with pus. An abscess can cause persistent, throbbing pain, though sometimes it results in throbbing tooth pain that comes and goes. An abscess is serious and needs to be treated as soon as possible. You’ll often have a fever and can experience swelling around the tooth or even in the face. The infection can spread to other areas of the mouth and body and cause illness. 

Fractured Tooth

A cracked or fractured tooth is another of the causes of severe tooth pain. You may have pain and sensitivity when biting and chewing, and if bacteria is able to reach deep into the tooth, pain will become more persistent. Depending on how large the crack or fracture is, a dental crown could be needed to protect and strengthen the broken tooth. 


If the inside of your tooth becomes infected or inflamed, a root canal will probably be the only way to eliminate tooth pain for good. When the tooth’s pulp is infected, you’ll likely have throbbing tooth pain that comes and goes. The pain may even wake you up when you’re sleeping. You might also feel pressure in the tooth. As we said, the pain can disappear if the tooth dies (becomes necrotic) but the infection will remain, so treatment is still necessary. Gum infections don’t lead to pain inside of the tooth but the human body isn’t great at telling the difference between tooth and gum pain. So, sometimes patients who come in with toothaches actually have gum infections. In its earliest stages, a gum infection, or gum disease, is called gingivitis. Gingivitis is reversible with professional dental care and good oral hygiene practices. If not treated, gingivitis will progress into periodontitis, a more severe type of gum disease. Periodontitis can’t be cured but it can be managed. By stopping the progression and eliminating the acute infection, we can get rid of pain and prevent bone loss and tooth loss.


Getting hit in the face or tooth can result in tooth pain. The inside of the tooth may begin to swell and as pressure builds up, the tooth will hurt. If it’s mild, tooth pain from an injury might go away on its own in a few days as the swelling goes down. However, if the pain is severe, your tooth is discolored, or the pain doesn’t disappear in a few days, visit your dentist.

Teeth Grinding or Clenching (Bruxism)

Teeth grinding, called bruxism, or jaw clenching can cause toothaches. You might even feel a sharp bolt of pain when biting down after grinding your teeth in your sleep. Usually, you’ll feel the pain all over your mouth, or in the teeth on one side, as opposed to throbbing tooth pain in one tooth, unless your teeth grinding causes damage to a tooth’s enamel. Your Naperville dentist can teach you relaxation techniques to help with bruxism or create a custom night guard for teeth grinding and clenching that prevents damage and pain.

TMJ Disorders

You have a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) on either side of your face that connects your jaw to your head and lets you open and close your mouth. Problems with the TMJ are referred to as temporomandibular disorders (TMD) or temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJD). Sometimes, TMJ disorders can cause jaw pain that feels like severe tooth pain. Similar to the discomfort from teeth grinding, you’ll usually have pain in more than one tooth. With a TMJ disorder, the pain is often closer to the ear and may be accompanied by a clicking or popping noise in the jaw. At Naperville Dental Specialists, we have advanced diagnostics to give you an accurate diagnosis and help you find relief, whether that’s with lifestyle changes or a custom oral appliance.

Your Sinuses

Your sinuses are located right above your upper teeth. When the sinuses are inflamed or full of gunk, such as when you have a cold, seasonal allergies or a sinus infection, the pressure can cause the upper teeth to ache. When this is the case, you’ll probably have nasal congestion and several teeth in the area will hurt, instead of just one. If your sinuses don’t improve on their own, see a doctor for treatment. Once the infection is gone, you can evaluate whether or not you still have tooth pain. These are the most common causes of tooth pain, however, there could be other issues resulting in your discomfort. The only way to determine what’s behind a toothache is to visit your dentist to have it evaluated.


man experiencing tooth pain at home


Home Remedies for Tooth Pain Relief

Now, on to how to get rid of tooth pain, or at least minimize it, until your dental appointment. None of these home remedies for tooth pain will treat the underlying reason for the toothache, and if you have tooth nerve pain, getting relief can be more challenging. With that said, these methods are safe and might be worth trying:

Saltwater Rinse 

A saltwater rinse is one of the best ways to get tooth pain relief, and it can help with gum infections prior to your dentist appointment. Mix a half teaspoon of salt in eight ounces of warm water. Swish the solution around in your mouth and then spit it out – never swallow it. You might also want to try gently flossing around the tooth that hurts in case any food particles are stuck. 

Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers

When it comes to how to stop tooth pain fast, an over-the-counter pain reliever can be extremely helpful. Even if you’re experiencing severe, throbbing tooth pain, research published in The Journal of the American Dental Association in 2018 found that nonsteroidal, OTC pain relievers, with or without acetaminophen, such as ibuprofen, offered the best balance between benefits and risks for the relief of acute tooth pain as compared to opioid pain relievers. One caveat: take pain relievers orally. Putting aspirin directly on your sore tooth or gums is an old folk remedy that not only doesn’t work, but can also damage your mouth.

Rinse With Hydrogen Peroxide 

Rinsing with equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water and then spitting it out (again, don’t swallow it) may also offer some degree of tooth pain relief.


If you have a toothache after getting hit in the face or you’re experiencing facial swelling, holding an ice pack on the outside of your face can reduce swelling and some of the associated pain. Facial swelling can be a sign of an abscess, so this is a case where you should call the dentist immediately. You can also try sucking on an ice cube to numb a painful tooth. 

Over-the-Counter Anesthetics

There are plenty of over-the-counter pain-relieving liquids and gels designed to get rid of tooth pain fast. Most of them rely on benzocaine to numb the area. Apply them to the tooth and surrounding gums. These anesthetics aren’t meant for long-term use, so only use them to tide you over until your appointment with your dentist. Additionally, it’s worth mentioning, products with benzocaine shouldn’t be used on children for a toothache or as a teething remedy, particularly little ones under the age of two, as it can cause a rare but serious health condition in kids.

Clove Oil

Clove oil is frequently mentioned when talking about home remedies for tooth pain. This natural solution numbs the area, temporarily stopping discomfort. A 2006 study published in the Journal of Dentistry found clove oil to be just as effective as benzocaine as a topical anesthetic. 


Proponents of natural tooth pain remedies claim if you crush a garlic clove, the oily, disease-fighting liquid, known as allicin, that it releases can help with tooth pain. Studies haven’t proven whether or not this is really effective, but it’s safe and worth giving a go if nothing else is working. You can either chew a clove of garlic or put some minced garlic bits on your aching tooth. 

Use Wax or Gum

If you have a broken tooth or your filling has fallen out, you can temporarily cover the exposed area with softened, sugarless chewing gum or dental wax. This can reduce sensitivity and pain. For a loose filling or crown, gum or wax may help hold it in place, though there is also temporary cement you can purchase at the drugstore to secure your restoration.


Peppermint tea has a numbing effect that may provide tooth pain relief. Once your tea cools, you can swish it around in your mouth. The tannins in black tea have astringent properties, which is why some folk remedies claim you should place a warm, wet black tea bag on your sore tooth for short-term pain reduction. Alternatively, you can brew up some peppermint or black tea, dip a clean cotton ball in the tea and hold the cotton ball against your tooth. 


Wheatgrass isn’t just a superfood for better overall health; it can enhance your oral health too. There are a number of benefits of wheatgrass for teeth, in general, and you can also use wheatgrass for a toothache. It’s rich in chlorophyll, which boats antibacterial properties and helps to stop the growth of cavity-causing bacteria. This antibacterial effect even reduces halitosis, or bad breath. Aside from the benefits of wheatgrass for teeth, it also contains antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that support periodontal (gum) health and reduce inflammation. All of these properties are thought to be helpful for alleviating tooth pain. When using wheatgrass for a toothache, swish an ounce of the juice in your mouth, just as you would with a mouthwash. 

These home remedies for tooth pain are safe and some have been proven effective for temporarily relieving certain types of toothaches. If you’re experiencing discomfort, try a few of the suggestions until you’re able to visit the dentist. Again, severe, throbbing tooth pain requires immediate care. Yet, even minor pain should be checked out since the earlier the underlying problem is dealt with, the easier and more affordable treatment will be. 

Our Naperville dentists always prioritize patients in pain and we’ll get you in for an appointment right away. We use the latest technology and tools to quickly and accurately pinpoint what’s causing your tooth to hurt and give you effective, quick relief. Don’t put off your dental visit if you’re in pain. Book your appointment at Naperville Dental Specialists today! 


What Your Tongue Says About Your Health

By Oral Health, Blog No Comments

When it comes to oral health, we tend to focus on our teeth and gums. Yet, the tongue plays a number of roles, including helping us speak and eat. What you may not know is that it also reveals a lot about our oral and overall health. Its appearance and, sometimes, sensations (i.e., feeling sore) can give you important information. A healthy tongue is pink in color and covered in tiny bumps (papillae). Changes in how it looks or any pain can indicate a concern and you should schedule a visit with your Naperville dentist to have it checked out. To illustrate just how powerful simply looking at your tongue can be, we’re sharing some of the clues you can gain from its appearance. 

Key Highlights:

  • Changes in your tongue’s appearance or tongue discomfort could indicate a health concern.
  • Why is my tongue white? A white, coated tongue can be a sign of a number of different conditions, though it’s not usually anything serious. A black, hairy tongue is also not typically a cause for alarm.
  • A strawberry tongue, as well as a lump on the tongue, could signal potentially serious health problems. 
  • It’s always a good idea to bring up changes in the color of your tongue with your dentist. 

A White Coating or White Spots on Tongue 

Patients often ask, why is my tongue white? A white, coated tongue or white spots on the tongue can be alarming but it’s not usually a sign of a serious condition. Here are a few reasons you may have a white tongue:

  • Not Brushing Your Tongue A coated tongue could just be due to a buildup of bacteria and debris. If the white coating brushes away, that’s probably the case. As for how to get rid of a white tongue, in this instance, simply brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth to keep it clean. As a bonus, this will help fight bad breath too.
  • Oral Thrush – A white, coated tongue or white patches can be a sign of oral thrush, which is a yeast infection. It’s caused by Candida yeast (fungus). While we all have Candida in our mouths, when it becomes overgrown, it causes an issue. It’s most common in infants, the elderly, especially those who wear dentures, and people with weakened immune systems. It can also be the result of taking oral or inhaled steroids or antibiotics. Your dentist or doctor may recommend an antifungal treatment, which can come in mouthwash form. 
  • Oral lichen planus – This type of white tongue looks kind of like you have lace on your tongue and features white lines. Oral lichen planus is a chronic inflammatory condition. It’s not contagious and usually goes away on its own.
  • Leukoplakia – Leukoplakia causes white spots on the tongue and inside of the mouth. It crops up when the cells in the mouth grow excessively and it can happen if the tongue gets irritated, such as from drinking alcohol or smoking. It’s not dangerous in and of itself but sometimes it can be a precursor to mouth cancer, so you should schedule an evaluation with your Naperville dentist.

A Hairy, Black Tongue

A hairy, black tongue sounds like something out of a horror movie but it’s actually not usually anything serious. Those tiny bumps on the tongue, or papillae, grow throughout your life. Sometimes, they can get really long, and look almost hair-like. Additionally, when they’re overgown, they tend to accumulate bacteria. The bacteria may look black or dark. The entire tongue can be black or it can start as black spots on the tongue.  In most cases, a black, hairy tongue is from poor oral hygiene, but it can also occur due to diabetes, chemotherapy or taking antibiotics. 

A Red Tongue or Strawberry Tongue

If your tongue is red or you have a strawberry tongue where it’s swollen, red and bumpy, it could indicate a number of conditions:

  • Folic Acid or B-12 Deficiency – If you have a folic acid or vitamin B-12 deficiency, it could result in a red tongue. Bloodwork can confirm if you’re lacking either vitamin. If you’re deficient, changing your diet and/or taking supplements could help you get the necessary vitamins and get rid of a red tongue. 
  • Kawasaki Disease – A sign of Kawasaki disease is a strawberry tongue (red and bumpy). The disease, which usually occurs in children under five, causes inflammation in the arteries. A strawberry tongue could be accompanied by high fever, a rash, peeling skin, and red eyes. It’s a serious condition, so if your child has these symptoms, seek medical attention as soon as possible. 
  • Scarlet Fever – Scarlet fever is a bacterial infection that leads to a strawberry tongue. Sometimes, strep throat can turn into scarlet fever. In addition to a bumpy, red tongue, other symptoms include a red rash over most of the body, high fever, sore throat, headache, flushed skin, and red lines in the folds of the skin. It’s most common in children and teenagers. Call your doctor or pediatrician if you or your child has these symptoms because antibiotics will likely be needed to treat it. 
  • Geographic TongueGeographic tongue gets its name because it’s characterized by a map-like pattern. You may have smooth, red, irregularly shaped spots on the surface of the tongue that can have a white border around them. You might also have pain or a burning, especially when eating spicy or acidic foods. The lesions will usually heal and then move to another area of the tongue. Fortunately, the geographic tongue is not serious and it will go away on its own. 
  • Food or Drug Allergies – Occasionally, a red tongue or strawberry tongue can be from taking a medication or eating a food you’re allergic to. A doctor may give you antihistamines to alleviate the swelling and redness. 

A Sore Tongue or Bumps on Tongue 

There are a variety of things that can lead to a sore tongue or bumps on the tongue, such as:

  • Trauma – If you ever wake up wondering, why does my tongue hurt? You could be grinding or clenching your teeth in your sleep, which can irritate the tongue and cause pain. At Naperville Dental Specialists, we can create a custom nightguard to help with teeth grinding and alleviate tongue pain. A sore tongue can also be the result of accidentally biting it or eating something really hot. In severe cases, eating something scalding could lead to blisters on the tongue. Your tongue will stop hurting once the damage heals. 
  • Canker Sores – A canker sore on the tongue, or anywhere in the mouth, is painful. This type of tongue ulcer isn’t contagious and it’s thought that stress can bring them on. Canker sores on the tongue tend to heal on their own and should go away in a week or two. 
  • Smoking – Smoking can irritate your tongue. It can also lead to a yellowish tongue. If it bothers you, use it as motivation to quit! 
  • Oral Cancer – If you have a lump or sore on your tongue that doesn’t improve within two weeks, even if it doesn’t hurt at all, it could be a sign of oral cancer. You should have it evaluated by your dentist. The early it’s treated, the better. 

These are just some of the many clues your tongue can reveal about your oral and overall health. If you notice any concerning changes in your tongue, schedule a visit at Naperville Dental Specialists. Our expert Naperville dentists can determine what’s causing any issues and, if necessary, create a personalized treatment plan to restore your oral health. 

couple eating ice cream in the sun

The Causes of Sensitive Teeth and How Your Dentist Can Help

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Does eating ice cream send blinding pain through your teeth? Do you avoid drinking coffee and tea because hot beverages makes you want to scream? You’re not alone — you’re likely one of the 40 million Americans who suffer from tooth sensitivity. The good news is that tooth pain is totally curable, as long as you visit your dentist as soon as possible.

At Naperville Dental Specialists, we aim to treat the underlying cause of tooth pain — not just the symptoms. We’re experts in diagnosing, treating and managing tooth sensitivity safely and efficiently. Here are some common causes of sensitive teeth and how we, your general dentists in Naperville, can help you get back to living your best life.

Causes of Sensitive Teeth

Your sensitive teeth could be caused by a number of different things. The cause depends on the type of pain you’re experiencing. Some causes of tooth sensitivity are more serious than others — but if you’re having any kind of discomfort with your teeth, it’s important to see your dentist to find out what’s behind the pain.

Why Are My Teeth Sensitive to Air?

If your teeth are sensitive air, it could mean you have an exposed root. This can happen simply because of aging, or there could be something more serious going on that’s wearing down your enamel. Gum disease, aggressive brushing, grinding and malocclusion (misaligned jaw) can all lead to root exposure, causing extreme sensitivity to air, as well as hot or cold foods. Since exposed roots lack the protective enamel that keeps infections and pain at bay, they can also contribute to further dental problems, such as root cavities or a root canal infection.

Why Are My Teeth Sensitive to Pressure?

If pressure on your teeth is causing you pain, it’s likely due to one of two causes. Constant tooth sensitivity to pressure is a sign of an infection, while intermittent pain usually means you have a cracked tooth. Both need to be treated immediately by your dentist to reduce complications or further damage.

Why Are My Teeth Sensitive to Cold or Heat?

Are your teeth super sensitive to cold or heat? You may have an infection or it could be a sign of deep tooth decay. Sensitivity to heat is of particular concern — it means your tooth has likely been deteriorating for a while and you will probably need a root canal to remove the infection.

No matter what’s causing your sensitive teeth, your dentist can help. If tooth pain arises, be sure to visit your dentist immediately to avoid potential risks.

Treatment for Sensitive Teeth

Treatment for sensitive teeth typically involves a trip to the dentist. Depending on the underlying cause of your pain, you may be able to use a home remedy for sensitive teeth. More serious issues, like deep infections, will require intervention with antibiotics or surgery. Remember: your dentist always knows best. They’ll be able to recommend the best course of action to treat your tooth pain. Here are the most common ways to treat sensitive teeth.

Use Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth

For mild tooth sensitivity, a desensitizing toothpaste could be all you need. These toothpastes contain special compounds that block pain-causing stimuli, helping you return to a pain-free life. It usually takes a few uses for desensitizing toothpaste to take effect, so be patient and make sure to use it every time you brush.

Get a Fluoride Treatment

For issues related to weakened enamel, your dentist may advise a fluoride treatment to reduce your tooth sensitivity. Fluoride treatments are typically done in-office by applying fluoride gel to your sore teeth to help strengthen the enamel. In some cases, your dentist may be able to prescribe an at-home fluoride treatment.

Cover Up Exposed Roots

Exposed roots are one of the most painful kinds of tooth sensitivity. Treatment usually involves the application of bonding agents to conceal and protect the root surface.

Get a Surgical Gum Graft

In the case that your tooth root has lost gum tissue, a surgical graft may be your best option. This in-office treatment takes gum tissue from elsewhere in the mouth and uses it to regenerate the affected tooth.

Get a Root Canal

If your pain is severe or your haven’t found relief with other treatments, you will likely need to have a root canal procedure. A root canal addresses the source of your pain by treating your tooth’s core. In this procedure, your dentist will remove the nerve and dental pulp, and clean and reseal your tooth. Root canals are the most effective treatment for tooth pain.

How to Prevent Sensitive Teeth

If you’ve ever suffered from tooth pain, you know that it can be extremely disruptive to your quality of life. It’s important to take care of your teeth at home to prevent sensitivity before it starts (and avoid excessive trips to the dentist!). Do these things every day to keep tooth pain away:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day using a soft-bristled brush
  • Use fluoridated toothpaste to help strengthen your enamel
  • Floss every day
  • Be gentle when you brush; vigorous brushing can cause abrasions
  • Use a mouthguard if you grind your teeth
  • Limit your consumption of acidic liquids (ie. carbonated drinks, citrus, wine)

No one should ever have to suffer from sensitive teeth. Fortunately, tooth pain is avoidable when you practice proper dental hygiene at home. In the case that infection or tooth pain does arise, call Naperville Dental Specialists for an appointment. We’ll examine your teeth, diagnose the cause of your pain and offer the best options for treatment. Our goal is to help our patients live their lives to the fullest — that to us, that starts with happy, healthy teeth.


How to Overcome Your Fear of the Dentist

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Dental anxiety is extremely common and hard to overcome with the majority of adults experiencing some level of apprehension about going to the dentist. However, for others, dental anxiety is serious enough that it impacts their ability to seek out care. According to Peter Milgrom, director of the Dental Fears Research Clinic at the University of Washington in Seattle, for about 20% of people, the anxiety is enough that they only get care when it’s absolutely necessary, meaning they skip important routine check-ups and cleanings. For between 5% and 8% of Americans, their severe fear qualifies as a true dental phobia and they avoid dentists altogether to the detriment of their oral and overall health. To avoid letting the anxiety take over, here are some ways to manage a fear of the dentist:

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Woman rinsing her mouth with mouthwash

Bulimia and Teeth: Side Effects, Considerations and Treatments

By Bulimia, Bulimia and Teeth, Eating Disorders and Teeth, Oral Health, Tooth Decay No Comments

Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder that involves a cycle of binging and purging, which refers to binge eating followed by using compensatory behavior, such as self-induced vomiting, laxative use, excessive exercise, fasting or using diet pills or diuretics to rid the body of calories. It’s a serious, potentially life-threatening condition that can affect all aspects of your health, including your oral health, particularly if you practice self-induced vomiting. While the effects of bulimia on the teeth can be significant, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it. Today we’ll be covering everything you need to know about bulimia and teeth from the oral health side effects of the disorder to the treatment options available to restore your smile.
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Everything You Need to Know About Oral Cancer and How to Prevent It

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At Naperville Dental Specialists, we take a comprehensive approach to care that goes beyond just making sure our patients have beautiful smiles. What you may not know is that a dentist isn’t only responsible for looking for cavities and gum disease; we also screen for oral cancer and evaluate your overall oral health. Early detection of oral cancer is extremely important and it can save your life. In conjunction with a visual examination, our Naperville dentists utilize VELscope, a handheld, non-invasive oral cancer-screening device that uses a safe, blue-spectrum light to reveal oral abnormalities before they can be seen by the naked eye. Read on to find out everything you need to know about oral cancer and ways you can fight it before it even starts.

What is Oral Cancer?

Oral cancer, or mouth cancer, includes cancer of the tongue, lips, gums, inner lining of the cheeks, roof the mouth and floor of the mouth and oropharyngeal cancer involves the oropharynx (the part of the throat right behind the mouth). Oral cancer makes up nearly 85% of cases in the larger category of head and neck cancers, though brain cancer is its own category. Just as with any cancer, it’s when cells grow uncontrollably and have the potential to invade and damage surrounding tissues and other parts of the body.

Unfortunately, according to the Oral Cancer Foundation, about 49,750 Americans will be diagnosed with oral and oropharyngeal cancer this year and it will result in approximately 9,750 deaths. How fast does oral cancer spread? Well, the majority of oral cancers are a kind called squamous cell carcinoma, which does spread rapidly, and can be deadly. Before you panic, oral cancer survival rates are high when detected early. The five-year survival rate for cancers of the oral cavity and pharynx is 83% for cancer that hasn’t spread, 62% when it has spread to lymph nodes nearby and 38% when the cancer has spread to distant areas of the body. The oral cancer life expectancy statistics do vary slightly depending on where the cancer occurs, for example tongue oral cancer versus lip oral cancer, but, overall, the prognosis is good when it’s treated while in the local stage. Oral cancer isn’t inherently more dangerous than all other types of cancer. The issue is, that it’s often detected after the cancer has metastasized because the symptoms may go unnoticed.

These statistics highlight the importance of early detection, knowing the signs and getting routine oral cancer screenings. Don’t skip those regular visits to your dentist and if you suspect your dentist isn’t evaluating your mouth for oral cancer, ask them to do so. Book an oral cancer screening in Naperville at our office today or if you don’t live in the area, schedule an appointment with your dentist.

Oral Cancer Risk Factors

Researchers haven’t been able to pin down an exact cause of why cells mutate leading to oral cancer but they have identified a number of risk factors for developing the disease. It’s twice as common in men and a large percentage of people with oral cancer are over the age of 40, though it’s now occurring in younger people due to the human papilloma virus (HPV). In addition to age and sex, oral cancer risks factors include:

  • Tobacco use – This is the leading risk factor of developing oral cancer and it’s entirely preventable. Cigarette, pipe and cigar smokers are about six times more likely to be diagnosed with oral cancer than nonsmokers. Users of smokeless tobacco products (i.e., chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, etc.) are 50 more times likely to develop oral cancer of the lips, gums and cheeks.
  • Heavy alcohol use – Men and women who drink heavily are more likely to develop oral cancer.
  • Excessive sun exposure – Frequent and prolonged exposure to the sun has been shown to cause lip cancer.
  • Human papillomavirus – Certain strains of the sexually transmitted disease, HPV, particularly HPV16, have been tied to oral cancer.
  • Family history of cancer – While environmental factors, like smoking and heavy drinking, are the predominant risk factors, genetics can play a role too. This is why, even if you don’t smoke or drink, it’s still important to get screened for oral cancer.
  • A weakened immune system
  • A diet low in fruits and vegetables

There has been some debate about whether poor oral hygiene, mouthwashes with alcohol and chronic rubbing from dentures or rough teeth can also be risk factors of oral cancer. However, there hasn’t been definitive evidence to support these theories.

Oral Cancer Symptoms

Patients often want to know what does oral cancer look like? In some cases, it is visible and will show up as a white or red patch. Other signs and symptoms of oral cancer are:

  • A sore that bleeds and doesn’t heal
  • A lump, growth or thickening of the lining or skin in the mouth
  • A rough or crusted area in the mouth
  • A change in the way your teeth come together when you bite or in how your dentures fit
  • Tongue pain
  • Loose teeth
  • Jaw stiffness or pain
  • A persistent sore throat
  • Numbness in the mouth
  • Pain or difficulty when swallowing or chewing

If the symptoms last for more than two weeks or you’re bothered by them, make an appointment with your dentist or doctor.

Oral Cancer Treatment

If your dentist finds signs of oral cancer, a biopsy is usually performed to diagnose it. Oral cancer is treated in the same way as other types of cancer and typically involves removing the cancer with surgery followed by radiation or chemotherapy.

Can You Prevent Oral Cancer?

There isn’t a guaranteed way to prevent oral cancer but there are things you can do to reduce your risk of developing it such as:

  • Quit using tobacco and if you’ve never used it or already quit, don’t start or pick up the habit again. People often think smokeless tobacco is safer and while it might not be as likely to cause lung cancer, it’s actually more likely to cause oral cancer. Avoid tobacco in all of its forms.
  • Drink alcohol in moderation. While not drinking at all is certainly a way to reduce your risk, there’s nothing wrong with having a glass of wine or a beer here and there. However, moderation is key. Drinking heavily can irritate the cells in the mouth and make them susceptible to oral cancer. The Mayo Clinic recommends that women don’t drink more than the equivalent of one drink a day and men limit themselves to no more than two per day.
  • Protect yourself from the sun. Avoid prolonged, regular sun exposure to your lips. UV rays can penetrate clouds, so wear a lip product with a broad-spectrum SPF every day, rain or shine. Sporting a wide-brimmed hat is helpful as well. Try to stay in the shade when you can.
  • Eat a balanced, healthy diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables. Opt for vegetables in a variety of colors and be sure to get all of your necessary vitamins and minerals. The antioxidants in fruits and veggies may help reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Do a self-exam once a month. Use a flashlight and a mirror to check out the inside of your mouth. Be sure to look and feel your lips, gums, the inside of your cheeks, your tongue and the floor and roof of your mouth. Shine the light on the back of your throat and feel around your lower jaw and neck for swollen lymph nodes or lumps. If you see anything concerning or notice something different, call your dentist.
  • Visit your dentist regularly and ask for an oral cancer screening. Your dentist can see things you won’t be able to see by looking in the mirror and they have the knowledge to identify signs of oral cancer.

With a healthy lifestyle, you can lower your risk of developing oral cancer. However, there’s no way to prevent cancer entirely and it really boils down to early detection, which is where your dentist comes in. The team at Naperville Dental Specialists knows what to look for and by catching cancer while it’s still local, the chances of successful treatment are excellent. As a practice that uses VELscope technology, we can even further improve the odds of finding abnormalities in the earliest stages. Schedule a visit and an oral cancer screening at Naperville Dental Specialists online or by calling us at (630) 848-2010. Let’s work together to ensure you maintain amazing oral health for life.

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