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6 year old keeps biting the pediatric dentist

By May 28, 2015December 3rd, 2018Pediatric Dentist

This has been happening for the last few appointments. Every time I take my son to the pediatric dentist, when the dentist tries to examine my son’s teeth, he bites the dentist. The dentist has been saying it’s okay because my son isn’t hurting him, but last week he bit the dentist hard. Why might this be happening and what can I do about it? – Lanaya

Lanaya – We suggest that you start by asking your son why he is biting his pediatric dentist. The response you receive can help you determine how to handle the issue.

If your son isn’t volunteering information, you can ask him questions to help determine the reason for biting. Is your son afraid? Did the dentist say or do something to make your son nervous? Does your son think it’s funny or a game?

You can also speak with your dentist about the issue and ask for suggestions on making the dental experience more positive for your son and his dentist.

This post is sponsored by the Naperville pediatric dentists at Naperville Dental Specialists.

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