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Dr. Anthony LaVacca

Can I use Invisalign if I’m missing teeth?

By Invisalign

I should have had braces when I was a child, because my bottom teeth are terribly crooked. Also, my bottom left back molar, and two bicuspids that were still baby teeth, had to be removed.

I’ve been considering getting Invisalign, but I’m not sure if it will work if I have missing teeth. I really don’t want to have the traditional braces now that I’m older. Also, I’m concerned that I may need dental implants to fill the gaps where those teeth were pulled.

Another concern is my underbite and the lack of space between my top and bottom teeth. Can this be corrected with Invisalign too?

Jessica from St. Louis


There are a couple things that may prevent you from using Invisalign, excluding missing teeth. Invisalign works fine with missing teeth. In cases when there is an underbite and/or severe crowding, Invisalign may be difficult to use.

Some dentists are willing to use Invisalign on patients who have crowded teeth, while orthodontists may be more conservative. Orthodontists tend to shy away from new technology, because they have been trained to work with brackets and wire.

Before making any decisions, do your research by visiting a few Invisalign general dentists and see what they recommend to you. And if you do decide to go with a general dentist, all cases are required to be supervised by orthodontists who are on staff at Invisalign headquarters.

Depending on the difficulty of your case, and the positions of your teeth, Invisalign may close the spaces in your lower jaw, and it could help move your upper teeth out without the need for replacing those missing teeth.

I wish you the best!

Will my son’s baby teeth return to their normal color after bumping them?

By Pediatric Dentist

My 4-year-old son fell and injured his top front teeth. After the fall, I noticed his teeth began to change color. Will it help if I change his diet?

Tammy in Ontario

Dear Tammy,

Since he is four, these will be your son’s baby teeth. There really isn’t much you can do to get them to return to their normal color. I would get the teeth checked, though. The discoloration to your son’s two front teeth may be from the tissue inside dying, and that will need to be treated. They may also be perfectly healthy, and the darkening may be from a natural buildup of dentin inside the teeth, which is provoked by the injury.

Changing your son’s diet won’t be of any help either.

It will only be a matter of two to three years more years until your son’s front teeth naturally fall out, and then his adult teeth will begin to come in.

Learn more about pediatric dentistry by clicking here.

What’s the best way to whiten my teeth if I have composite fillings?

By Cosmetic Procedures

Over the years my teeth have naturally turned yellow. I would really like to whiten them, but I’m not sure how I should go about this since I have several composite fillings. Should I have the composite fillings replaced with a lighter material before or after I whiten my teeth?

 – Dana from Texas


Everyone’s teeth have a natural tendency to darken over time, which can be a result of certain foods, beverages, or many other known causes. As you begin the teeth whitening process, be sure to whiten your teeth first, because it is impossible to predict the shade of whiteness your teeth will become. Once you are satisfied with your teeth’s level of color, you should then wait another two weeks for the new shade to stabilize. Then you can move forward with having your composite fillings removed to match your newly whitened teeth.

How long do I need to wait before I can get an implant?

By Dental Implants

I was told by my dentist and the endodontist that one of my molars will need to be removed since it is decayed below the gumline and can not be saved. I’d like to get an implant once the molar is removed. How long do I need to wait to do this?


I’m glad you are considering a dental implant to replace your missing tooth. However, make sure that all the infection is gone and the socket has had time to heal before moving forward with this dental implant procedure.

Be patient during the implant process, because you will want to be sure the implant has had enough time to integrate with the bone. Placing the false tooth on the implant too soon could cause risk to the procedure. We recommend that patients usually wait several weeks. During this time you should wear a what is called a flipper. Flippers are merely a basic resin tooth mounted on pink acrylic. This will work well to temporarily hold the space until your implant has healed and it is safe to place the false tooth on the implant.

Some important information to be made aware of is when a tooth is removed, the adjacent teeth have a natural tendency to tip into the open space, which also leads to the opposing tooth to super-erupt into the open space. Our teeth were designed to naturally move this way so that they consistently touch their neighboring teeth and so that all of your teeth meet when you bite. This movement among your teeth can cause serious symptoms. Many people suffer from chronic headaches, bite discrepancies, and TMJ disorder. If treatment for these symptoms is prolonged, it could become very costly in the end.

Read more about dental implants and TMJ on our Naperville Dental Specialists website.

Is it necessary to have my child’s baby teeth pulled?

By Pediatric Dentist No Comments

Not long ago, my 20 month old son took quite a fall and injured his four front teeth. Shortly after, I noticed that these same teeth began to lose their enamel and turn to a funny shade of green. My child’s health is very important to me, so I make sure he eats healthy and takes a children’s multi-vitamin daily. I‘ve even avoided giving him a bottle or pacifier. I hate the thought of having his teeth pulled but I may not have a choice. What should I do?

 – Stacy from Naperville


Before you make an assumption about your son’s teeth, my best advice I can give you is take your son to a pediatric dentist for a dental examination.

As children develop, their bodies become exposed to various types of environmental bacteria. While children’s immune systems naturally fight off germs, they can still occasionally be affected. Your son’s baby teeth may have been exposed to bacteria, which could be the cause of the green discoloration. This discoloration may naturally fade away in time, but it is best to find out what is causing it.

Providing good health and nutrition for your child is necessary, so I commend you for your good efforts. Here at Naperville Dental Specialists, we promote good health and nutrition as well by encouraging parents to bring their children in as soon as the baby teeth begin to appear. This will encourage a close relationship between your child, the dentists and staff.

If  the trauma to your son’s teeth has damaged and severed the nerves, then these teeth may have to be removed. But if the teeth have not suffered damage it is best to leave them be, especially at the age of 20 months. Teeth play an important role in your child’s speech development.

Related information: read about baby bottle tooth decay.

What do you know about dental implants?

By Dental Implants No Comments

Dental implants are one of the most natural, permanent ways to replace missing teeth, but implants are not for everyone. You are a potential implant candidate if you:

  • Are in good general health, and able to tolerate the surgery to implant the root form into the bone of the jaw.
  • Have enough viable bone at the implant site to support the root form, or be a candidate for a bone graft.
  • Are NOT on the drug Fosamax or some other forms of oral bisphosphonate. Dental work during Fosamax may exacerbate a serious condition called osteonecrosis of the jaw.

Only a highly trained and skilled prosthodontist like Dr. LaVacca can help you decide if dental implants are the best choice for you. If you a missing tooth or teeth, visit Dr. LaVacca’s Naperville dentist website to make an appointment today.

Welcome to Our Blog!

By General Dentistry No Comments

Here at Naperville Dental Specialists, we want you to be as informed as possible when you make decisions about your dental health care. More and more research is indicating that dental health is intrinsically linked to whole body health, and so regular dental care becomes even more vital in maintaining your health and well-being.

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