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Implant Dentistry

Dental implants and diabetes

By Dental Implants

I am 62 years old and after wearing dentures 8 years, I am ready for dental implants. I am already noticing some bone shrinkage and facial sagging so I feel that I need to act quickly. I know that dental implants are a great solution but I am a little hesitant and I have some concerns because I am diabetic. My worst nightmare is to go through the expense and time of getting implants only to find that they will not heal because I am diabetic. If I have an increased risk of not healing because of my medical condition, should I just stay away from the implants? Thanks. Dianna

Dianna – Diabetes can slow the healing process of any wound or injury, but it doesn’t mean that you should avoid dental implants.

Insulin, which is produced by the pancreas, helps to control blood glucose levels. If the pancreas stops producing insulin (type 1 diabetes) or doesn’t produce enough insulin (type 2 diabetes), then blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels can become too low or too high. Why can there be a problem with healing?

High blood-sugar levels affect the healing process

When blood sugar levels are too high, it affects the body’s inflammatory response. Inflammation is needed to help the body heal, but if it is chronic, inflammation can be damaging to healthy tissue. When diabetes is not well managed, inflammation can become chronic. Dental implants in patients with poorly controlled diabetes can be successful too, but the healing process will be longer.

Managing diabetes – the key to healing

Well-managed diabetes control blood sugar levels and helps prevent chronic inflammation. If your diabetes is under control, you will likely be a good candidate for dental implants. Before you receive dental implants, your medical history is reviewed. Your implant dentist will ensure that your diabetes is well controlled first.

Dental implants can help a patient eat better, which in turn can improve the blood sugar levels. So implants shouldn’t be ruled out just because you have diabetes. Each patient case is different. Consult with a skilled implant dentist and your primary care doctor to determine if you are a candidate for this treatment. Your doctors will work with you to ensure your glucose level is sufficient to provide the best outcome for your dental implants.

This post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

What to avoid when looking for affordable dental implants

By Affordable Dental Implants, Prosthodontist

I am looking for affordable dental implants, but I know I want them from a dentist in the U.S. My cousin is 4 years older than me and she lives in California. Since Mexico is close, earlier this year, she went there for dental implants. She found a dentist who was U.S. trained. She spent a year with the process of going back and forth for follow-up appointments, and everything went well. She really liked the dentist too. Her implants look great and she saved $3000 over the cost of getting them in the U.S. When I spoke with her last month, she said she is having trouble with one of the implants. She had been back to Mexico trying to get it straight. She still likes the dentist but she is worried that she will need to get a second opinion because she has pain and swelling around the implant. The dentist in Mexico is talking about taking out the implant and starting all over again. Since I am looking for affordable dental implants I don’t want to make the same mistake, even with a U.S. dentist. What should I look for or ask about to make sure I am not getting cheap implants? Thanks Antoinette

You are wise to insist on getting affordable dental implants from a dentist in the U.S. The regulations for implant surgery and materials are much high than many countries. U.S. implant dentists also have to purchase insurance. Those are some of the reasons that U.S. costs are higher.

In many countries, including Mexico, your dental implants are not regulated. The contract will be between you and your doctor. If you have problems, you might have little recourse, and have to follow-up with an implant dentist in the U.S.

Successful dental implants require quality implant fixtures and the skill of a highly trained implant dentist. The success of your dental implants, in part, depends on those factors. So as you start seeking an implant dentist, check his or her credentials first. The skill of the dentist should be your primary concern. A conscientious implant dentist will use high-quality fixtures.

Dental implants require a great deal of skill as well, and that has a major impact on how well they perform. Overall, they have about a 98% success rate, but doctors with more experience deliver better results.

Find two or three skilled dentists, compare their credentials, and compare the costs for implants. In that sense, you can find the dentist who provides the most affordable dental implants. Financing and payment plans might also be available to meet your budget.

This post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist and American board-certified prosthodontist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

Can I convince a dentist to give me All-On-4 dental implants?

By All-on-4 Dental Implants

I want all on 4 implants. I have 8 missing teeth and the rest are crumbling. I won’t go into the details about how this happened, but I am 37 years old. So you know all of this is happening prematurely. Rather than trying to restore crumbling teeth I think it is better for me just to get them extracted and get all on 4. I hope I can find a dentist who will respect my wishes and not try to get me to save teeth. I am really tired of the whole thing and have resigned myself to the fact that my teeth are ruined. I am partly responsible for it, so I will suffer the loss. I just want to know if due to my age I can anticipate any push back about getting this treatment. Thanks. Robyn

Robyn – All-On-4 dental implants are a good way to stabilize dentures and help them feel like natural teeth. The process is designed for people who have lost jawbone density.

If you choose an option to have your dentures secured by only four dental implants, your jawbone will significantly deteriorate in the areas where there are no implants. Over your lifetime of 40 to 50 more years, this might present a problem.

Although you might be able to find a dentist to provide you with All-On-4 dental implants, it might not be the best option for you. Find a skilled prosthodontist and schedule an appointment for an exam and diagnostic studies. A prosthodontist is skilled in tooth replacement and restoration.

An implant dentist who offers All-On-4 as well as other procedures will let you know your options for long-term oral health. If preserving your natural teeth is in your best interests, consider it seriously. All-On-4 might seem to be the simplest solution, but trust a skilled dentist to help you get the best outcome.

This post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

How long will it take for my dental implants to heal?

By Dental Implants

Hi. I am gathering info on dental implants for 4 missing teeth. I have a trip planned in April 2017 and I want the implants to be completely done before I leave for vacation. I will be out of the country for a month so I won’t be able to get back to an implant dentist and I want to be sure that everything is okay before I leave the country. I know there is a healing period for implants and I just want to give myself enough time. How much healing time will I need? – Thanks. Bhari

Bhari – The process of getting dental implants, including the healing and recovery time varies with each patient. Your recovery time depends on several factors, including those listed below:

  • Bone grafting – Depending on how long a tooth is missing, the jawbone in that space will begin to shrink. If there is significant bone loss, the bone will need to be built up to accommodate dental implants. There is a healing period of several months for the bone grafting before implants can be placed.
  • The location of the implants – The bone in the upper arch of the mouth is shallower than in the lower arch, and implants there take longer to heal.
  • The number of implants placed – Each implant needs to heal on its own. The healing period for each implant can vary.
  • Tooth extraction – If teeth need to be extracted before you receive implants, you might experience discomfort for a longer period.

Schedule consultations with two or three implant dentists. Ensure you choose an experienced implant dentist or prosthodontist. Ask each of them how many cases they have completed. An examination and diagnostic studies will be needed to determine if you need bone grafting. After that information is received, your implant dentist will know if you need bone grafting. A recovery period will also be estimated. Tell your dentist about your vacation plans. He or she will let you know if there will be any conflict with your vacation plans for the spring.

This post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist and board-certified prosthodontist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.



Can’t find enough Clear Choice reviews like my case

By All-on-4 Dental Implants, Dental Implants

I’ve been reading a lot of Clear Choice reviews after having a consultation at one last week and I find the whole thing mind-boggling. All I see are mentions of the same procedure over and over again and it seems like most are good, but I find it odd that so many people needed the exact same thing. A lot of them hit on what I experienced- a big push to get signed up and scheduled then and there at the consultation. I didn’t bite. I went in knowing I wasn’t going to schedule there because I’d already heard about the tactics they use, but the procedure thing… that I didn’t notice until they told me I needed the same one and I went back to look again. Does this make them a specialist or should I get a second opinion? – Thanks – JT

JT – I am trying to make a decision about who to get my dental implants from and the Clear Choice reviews aren’t helping. I went to three dental implant practices and Clear Choice was my last visit. I liked the way I was treated there but the prices are off the charts. I felt more pressured to make a decision to go with Clear Choice. It has been 2 weeks since my visit and they have called me twice. I am taking my time and reading patient reviews on all the places I have visited. The problem with Clear Choice is that probably 90% of the reviews are about All on 4. I am not remotely interested in All on 4 but I am not getting enough information on their other options. I need 6 dental implants. Is there some other place I can get better Clear Choice rviews?

Finding the right dentist to replace several teeth is a serious decision. Although you can’t get a better form of tooth replacement than dental implants, the expense is great. Your efforts to do visit research and visit different implant dentists are vital to getting the best care.

Clear Choice reviews lean toward All-on-4 implants because that treatment is the most popular and most advertised among the company’s offerings. A dental treatment that works well for someone else might not be best for your case. Aggressively sales techniques can rush you to make a decision that you would later regret—or that is not the optimum treatment to replace your six missing teeth.

You’ve had consultations with three other implant dentists, so compare your options with those providers. In addition to the technical aspects of your treatment, pay attention how you are treated by each dentist and his or her staff. Ensure your provider is willing to listen to your concerns and thoroughly explains your treatment options. You need quality care as a patient with an implant dentist who has good chairside manner. Clear Choice reviews can’t provide you with the information you need to choose their services. So it’s best to find a dentist who can.

This post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist and board-certified prosthodontist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

Why are Clear Choice reviews inconsistent?

By Dental Bridge, Dental Implants

I have a dental bridge that is about 17 yrs old. It lasted a long time. Now I am thinking about getting an implant bridge. I had 2 consultations with implants dentists and now I am looking for a 3rd opinion. I’ve seen commercials about Clear Choice and I have an acquaintance who received implants from Clear Choice and recommends them. One recommendation isn’t enough for me so I started looking on line for Clear Choice reviews. I found it interesting to see that some reviews are super positive and others are super negative. There are more positive reviews than negative but the negative ones are so bad that it’s making me a little nervous. Why are Clear Choice reviews so inconsistent? Thanks Nicola


Clear Choice reviews are based on patient experience. Some patients have a great experience, while others are disappointed.

Clear Choice reviews reveal that patient cases are treated the same. That approach is risky because each patient case is different. A single method or technique can’t possibly be right for everyone. Your dental implants solution should be tailored to match your needs. Clear Choice often falls short of that.

Rather than visit a dental implant chain, smaller practices often provide consistently positive outcomes. But don’t visit just any implant dentist. Check out his or her experience and credentials before scheduling a consultation. Your current dentist might be able to recommend a skilled prosthodontist for your third opinion.

Ask each dentist how many implant bridge cases he or she has handled. Ask what kind of problems have been encountered and how the dentist resolved them. Discuss your treatment options. An implant bridge might be the right option for you, but other alternatives may be better for your case and your long-term oral health.

This post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

denture-teeth-falling-out blog

Why are my denture teeth falling out?

By Dentures

My dentures are 3 years old. I thought they would last at least 5 years because I really take good care of them. In February of this year one of the bottom incisor teeth fell out of the denture. My dentist put it back in. In April, the same tooth fell out of the denture and again it was put back in place. I was on vacation in July and another bottom tooth fell off the denture. It was a molar tooth this time. Thank God I didn’t have to walk around during vacation with a front tooth missing. I just saved the tooth until I got back home because it wasn’t noticeable. That tooth was secured back to the denture, but when I cleaned the denture this morning I noticed that the same tooth is loose again. I should add that my dentist is very casual about this thing. It’s kind of like, ‘oh let me fix that for you’ without an explanation or apology for my inconvenience. I know it isn’t normal for denture teeth to fall out, so I am very curious as to why this might be happening and whether or not I should expect more of the same. Thanks for your help. Joan

Joan – You are correct—denture teeth should not fall out of the base. There are several things that can cause denture teeth to dislodge.

Poorly constructed denture – The base of the denture might be poorly made. If it’s not constructed properly, the teeth won’t stay in place.

Improper bonding – Denture teeth need to be securely bonded in place. Cheap bonding material or improper bonding technique can cause teeth to loosen. You’ve experienced problems with two denture teeth—one of which has fallen out twice. Faulty bonding might be the issue.

Improper bite – The way your denture teeth fit together affects the pressure on them. If your bite is off, increased pressure or tension can cause teeth to loosen and fall out.

It’s important not to try to repair your own denture or use glue that isn’t designed for oral appliances. The adhesive might damage your denture or be toxic in your mouth. We suggest that you schedule an appointment with a prosthodontist for a second opinion. A prosthodontist is a specialist in tooth replacement. He or she will check the construction of your denture to identify the problem and let you know your options.

This post is sponsored by Naperville board-certified prosthodontist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

All-on-4 dental implants and metal sensitivities

By All-on-4 Dental Implants

I have severe metal allergies. Is it safe for me to have all on 4 done? My allergies developed within the past 5 years. I had to stop wearing jewelry because of it. All on 4 sounds good to me because I cannot afford to get an implant for every tooth that needs to be replaced. Also I want my denture to be secure and not floating around in my mouth or clacking. I have several relatives who wear dentures and they only have bad stories about them. I hope all on 4 is the answer but I do need information on the metal issue. My dentist said that she doesn’t think it would be a problem, but that isn’t a definite answer. Do patients with metal allergies get all on 4? Thanks BJ

BJ – People who have metal sensitivities or allergies usually don’t have a reaction to all types of metal. Your inability to wear jewelry indicates that you have nickel sensitivity. You might know other metals that cause sensitivity or an adverse reaction.

Dental implants for All-on-4 and other techniques are usually made of titanium. Some implant fixtures are made of titanium alloy, which includes other metals, and possibly nickel.

The first step is to find out if you are a candidate for the All-on-4 procedure. Not everyone can receive this treatment. Be certain to receive an examination from a highly skilled implant dentist who is experienced in using different types of implant fixtures and different types of implant procedures. Tell the dentist about your metal sensitivity.

He or she will select dental implant fixtures—whether it’s for All-On-4 or a different procedure—that don’t contain metals that cause an adverse reaction.

If you are unsure of which metals you are sensitive to, schedule an appointment with an allergist for testing. It is best to identify what causes the reaction to ensure you receive dental implants that are safe for you. If a particular metal causes a reaction and you receive implant fixtures that contain that metal, it will make it difficult for your implants to heal properly. If you qualify for All-on-4 and have a reaction to the metal, one or all of the implants can fail.

Your allergist and implant dentist can work together to help achieve a successful outcome.

This post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

Three Ways to Avoid Dental Implant Failure

By Dental Implant Failure, Dental Implants

Each year about 500,000 Americans receive dental implants. Scientific literature reports a 98 percent success rate for dental implants. So why are so many people concerned about dental implant failure? In part, it may be due to the seriousness of the signs and symptoms.

Signs and Symptoms of Dental Implant Failure

  • Swelling and bleeding around the implants after a normal healing period
  • Loose dental implants
  • Painful implants
  • Implant infection

Avoiding Dental Implant Failure

How can dental implant failure be avoided? We’ll discuss three key factors to be aware of before you choose your implant dentist.

1. Three-dimensional diagnostic studies

Some dentists will place dental implants without 3-D xrays or a CT scan. They might believe that a standard x-rays are enough. But what if dental implants are placed in a way that punctures sinuses or impinge nerves? These mistakes can be avoided with 3-D diagnostic studies.

2. Quality implant fixtures

Although the average patient doesn’t know which dental implants are of the highest quality, a skilled implant dentist or prosthodontist knows. Ask your implant dentist which brand of implants he or she uses. Nobel Biocare and Straumann are leaders in implant fixtures. Other high-quality manufacturers are 3i, Zimmer, and BioHorizons, and Astrotech. If your dentist uses a different brand, ask why, and do some research on the brand. Schedule a second-opinion appointment with a different prosthodontist and ask what he or she thinks about that brand.

3. The skill of the dentist

Implantology is not a recognized dental specialty, but quality placement of dental implants requires much skill. Look for a dentist who has credentials from the American Board of Oral Implantology or the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. A prosthodontist is a specialist with two years of post-graduate training in tooth restoration and replacement.

After you identify two or three skilled and credentialed implant dentists, schedule a consultation with each of them. Ask each dentist what he or she does to ensure successful outcomes for dental implant patients. Consultations are your opportunity to ask questions and discuss your options so you can make an informed decision of the best provider of your implants.

This post is sponsored by American-board certified prosthodontist and Naperville implant dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

What’s the best adhesive to keep upper denture in?

By Dental Implants, Dentures

I’m in the third month of wearing dentures. I was expecting problems with the lower dentures but it’s the upper dentures that are giving me problems. They click or loosen from my palate at the most embarrassing times. When I first got them they seemed to fit perfectly. Now I am almost to the point where I hate them. It is really frustrating to think that I paid so much for them and they keep popping off. What is the best product to keep them in? Grayson

Grayson – Before considering a product to keep your upper dentures in, make an appointment with your dentist. Upper dentures are usually held in place by the suction of your palate. If you’ve only had them for a little more than two months, they should not be dislodging at all.

Your dentures may need to be lined again. If after relining you continue to have a problem with the fit of your dentures, consider getting a second opinion. It is possible that your dentures were incorrectly sized, or the impressions of your mouth weren’t taken correctly. A second opinion can help to clearly identify the issue.

Your dentures can be secured with dental implants. The implants will stabilize them and prevent jawbone shrinkage, which occurs after years of having all of your teeth missing. Implants improve your ability to eat and speak with dentures.

If you want to consider stabilizing your dentures with implants, see an experienced and credentialed prosthodontist. He or she will first ensure your dentures fit well. After that the base of your dentures can likely be altered to accommodate dental implants.

If you still need denture adhesive, ask your dentist for recommendations.

This post is sponsored by Naperville dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

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