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Getting dental implants done abroad

By July 2, 2013November 29th, 2018Dental Implant Mistakes, Dental Implants

What’s the best country to get dental implants done abroad? I need 6 dental implants and if I can avoid paying $15-20k for them I’m interested. Do you have any recommendations? – Bill C.

Bill – The cost of dental implants causes many people to consider getting them done outside the U.S. Although we can’t recommend a country from which you can get your implants, we will let you know some things you should consider—even in the U.S.

  • The implant dentist – A skilled, credentialed implant dentist should place the implants. He or she will knows the proper planning required to ensure that your implants are properly place and won’t impinge nerves, damage sinus cavities, or other body structure. The implant dentist will also determine if you have adequate jawbone density or if bone grafting is needed. Consider how you will check the credentials of an implant dentist in another country.
  • Implant fixtures – In an effort to cut costs, cheap implant fixtures are often used. But they can fit poorly, loosen, or cause infection. And your implants will fail and need to be completely redone.
  • Follow-up visits – The implant healing process is two to six months, during which periodic follow-up visits are required to ensure that the implants are healing properly. And when the implants are healed, a permanent tooth restoration, or dental crown, is attached to each one. If you receive the implants abroad, will you stay in that country during the healing process, or will you go back and forth for follow-up visits?

Consider having consultations for dental implants in the U.S. Find out who places the implants and what his or her credentials are. If cost is a concern, speak with the dentist about financing or payment plans. Regardless of where you get your implants placed, ensure you receive quality planning, placement, fixtures, and overall care.

This post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist and board-certified prosthodontist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

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