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Should I switch to a pediatric dentist from our family dentist?

By December 11, 2017July 23rd, 2018Pediatric Dentist

Will you please give me some advice on whether or not I should switch my daughter to a pediatric dentist? When I moved to IL, I chose a family dentist because I figured my husband and I, along with our 3 kids could all use the same dentist. We both had appointments and we really like the dentist.

At my last visit, I told our dentist that I have to schedule appointments for our kids. Then he asked me their ages. They are 8, 4 and 2. It’s hard to believe, but my dentist said, “I’ll see the 8-year-old.” So I went through all of this trouble to find a family dentist that we like and he doesn’t want to see 2 of my children? He said he sees kids ages 6 and up. Shouldn’t someone have told me that before we decided to use this dentist? Can the kids wait until they are 6 years old or should I switch them to a pediatric dentist? Thanks. Onya

Onya – Although your dentist is a family dentist, it’s clear that he is uncomfortable seeing kids who are under 6 years old. It’s good that you didn’t try to convince him to see your youngest children because the dental visits would probably stressful for your kids.

At What Age Should Your Child See a Pediatric Dentist?

The decision to switch dentists is ultimately yours, but there are several things to keep in mind:

  • Pediatric dentists recommend that parents schedule a visit when a child’s first tooth erupts.
  • Issues with tooth development can occur at an early age. It’s a good time to see a dentist for early detection.
  • Primary teeth that erupt incorrectly can affect the growth and development of permanent teeth.

A pediatric dentist will be happy to see your two- and four-year-old children. You can also find a family dentist who treats children your age. Another option is to find a dental practice that has both general and pediatric dentists in the same office.

We suggest that you schedule a consultation with at least two dental offices before you choose another dentist. Consultations give you the opportunity to meet the staff, see the office, and see how the staff relates to your children.

This post is sponsored by Naperville Dental Specialists, the office of Dr. Anthony LaVacca.


Dr. Anthony LaVacca

Author Dr. Anthony LaVacca

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