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Dentist appointment..cavity?

By August 30, 2013November 30th, 2018Dental Fillings

i am going to the dentist next week and i think i have a cavity. my tooth hurts when cold water or soda hits it. really  bad with ice cream. so if they see that i have a cavity will they fix it that day or will i have to make an  appointment and come back another day? – macie

Macie – If your appointment with your dentist next week is not specifically to have a cavity filled, it is unlikely that you will have the cavity filled that day.

Time has to be scheduled to allow proper filling of the cavity. Before the cavity is filled, your dentist will have to remove the decay and clean the tooth.

If you receive white composite filling, care needs to be taken to ensure the area around the tooth is kept dry. And in advance of placing the composite, your dentist has to select composite that matches the color of your tooth.

One applied to your tooth, the composite has to be spread evenly and hardened. Your dentist will test your bite to ensure the composite was applied evenly. Rough spots will be smoothed.

Time must be scheduled to ensure that you get a filling that will last.

This post is sponsored by Naperville dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

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