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Dr. Anthony LaVacca

Really Bad Breath

By Bad Breath Treatment

I hope you can help me. I have really bad breath, but it seems like no matter how often I brush I can’t get rid of it.

Wallace- Little Rock


Bad breath is caused by bacteria multiplying in your mouth. While brushing is great, you will also need to floss. Many dentist’s have some specialized products that can help neutralize the odors while your dentist gets to the underlying cause.


This blog is brought to you by Naperville dentist Dr. LaVacca.

Porcelain veneers for one crooked tooth

By Porcelain Veneers

I have one crooked tooth in the front. I was wondering if I could get porcelain veneers to fix it, or if I have to have braces.

Jennie I. – Sandy, Utah


If you don’t want traditional braces you have two wonderful options. The first one is porcelain veneers. They are an excellent solution for your crooked tooth. If it sticks out in the front it would need to be shaved down first. It is important you go to a qualified cosmetic dentist to get these done. It takes a lot of artistic skills to do veneers, your basic family dentist may not have the needed training.

A second option for you is invisalign. It sounds like you are uncomfortable with the idea of traditional braces. However, I wanted to make sure you were aware that with invisalign there is not the same issue with pain/discomfort that you get with wire & brackets. Plus, they are completely invisible. No one will know you are wearing braces.

This blog is brought to you by Naperville Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

First Dental Visit

By Pediatric Dentist

I’m about to take my son to his first dental appointment. I wondered what your opinion is as to how to prepare him. He’s three years old and likes to know things ahead of time, but I’m not sure how much to say.

Deanna D.- Tallahassee


It is fantastic that you are being so proactive with your son’s dental care. My suggestion is when you bring up his dental appointment, don’t make a big deal out of it. If you treat it as a normal part of his dental hygiene, like brushing, he’ll be less uptight. Children sense when we are nervous and it makes them nervous as well. You could simply say that he is going to get a special cleaning for his teeth and leave it at that. Of course, answer any questions he has, but keep the tone upbeat and simple.

You want his first appointment to be before he has any dental issues. Focus his preparation on hygiene training. Brushing his teeth should be mandatory. There are plenty of ways to make this fun, instead of a battle.  You can play games together, or get stickers. Whatever works best for him. This way his first appointment will be a good experience, instead of dealing with a cavity.

Equally as important as preparation for the appointment is choosing the dentist. There are many great pediatric dentists available. However, there are also great general dentists who are qualified and love treating children. It is convenient to have the whole family seen in the same office. You want it to be a dentist who is comfortable with and enjoys children.  One way to tell if a dentist is comfortable treating children is the age they prefer to see them. If they prefer to wait until they are over seven, that is a sign they’re not comfortable around children. On the other hand, if they’ll see children as young as one you can tell they are comfortable with them and enjoy treating them. Some dentists do not allow parents in the treatment room, so if that is important to you or your child, you should ask the office ahead of time about their policy.

You may also be interested on our page on Tooth Decay Treatment and Prevention.

This blog is brought to you by Naperville Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.


Getting a Hollywood smile

By Porcelain Veneers

I have always been embarrassed by my teeth. Not only are they yellow and crooked, but they are much shorter than most people’s teeth. I’ve never been able to afford a smile makeover, but I had been saving up for teeth whitening and invisalign. Recently, I just inherited a lot of money and am free for the first time in my life to do whatever I want. Well, what I want is a Hollywood smile. Would  you recommend anything other than the services I had already been saving up for?

Denise in Washington


Congratulations on your windfall! The two procedures you had in mind are a great start, but will not do anything about the shortness of your teeth. Instead of a bunch of different procedures, I’m going to recommend one “all encompassing” procedure. Getting porcelain veneers will solve all of your mentioned issues and it can be done in only two appointments. You can learn more about the procedure on our website.

One word of caution. Make sure you use a qualified cosmetic dentist with a lot of experience. Look through their smile gallery to see if you are impressed with the quality of his or her work. Just because someone says they are a cosmetic dentist, doesn’t mean they are artistic enough to give you a truly spectacular smile.

This blog is brought to you by Naperville Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

How do I prevent from losing my teeth if I have gum disease?

By Gum Disease

Not long ago, I was told by a dentist that I have gum disease. I currently do not have dental insurance, so I haven’t been back to the dentist to get this checked. Now I’ve noticed my lower front gum is getting really low, and two of my bottom front teeth have become slightly loose. How do I prevent from losing my teeth? If I lose these two teeth, will my other teeth shift over where the gap is?

Gary from Memphis


Once your teeth become loose from gum disease, there really isn’t much you can do to save them. Gum disease shouldn’t be taken lightly. If some of your teeth are loose, then you may have more that will become loose. I strongly urge you to see a dentist, regardless of not having dental insurance. It isn’t that expensive to prevent gum disease. Start by going for your checkups and cleaning right away.

Had you kept up with your routine dental care, you would have been much better off. If you want to slow down or stop gum disease, schedule an appointment with a dentist right away.

Read through our website to learn how to avoid these common dental problems.

My Baby’s teeth are not falling out.

By Pediatric Dentist

It looks like my 6 year old son has his second set of teeth coming in, but he hasn’t lost his baby teeth yet. In fact his baby teeth aren’t even loose. Should I wait until the baby teeth loosen, or do you think I should take him to the dentist to have them removed?

Monica from Columbus, OH


If your son’s baby teeth have not fallen out yet, and if they are not loose enough to jiggle them out yourself, then you should take your son to the dentist to have them removed before his permanent teeth come in.

If you can see the permanent teeth coming in but the baby teeth haven’t fallen out, and you can’t jiggle them out yourself, I’d take your son to a dentist and have the dentist take them out. The baby teeth can redirect his permanent teeth if they’re prevented from coming out the way they should.

At Naperville Dental Specialist, we specialize in pediatric dentistry. Learn more dental care for children and explore our website here.

Is this a fair price for a dental bridge?

By Dental Bridge, Dentures

I was told by my dentist that I need a five unit bridge. I have a great deal of bone loss due to gum disease, and my teeth are loose, so my dentist is afraid that a partial will put too much stress on my teeth. I was quoted $5500 in addition to extraction costs. I this a fair and reasonable price?

Tory from Houston

Dear Tory,

The fee seems reasonable for Texas. However, I’m not sure why your dentist is suggesting a dental bridge instead of a removable partial denture. A removable partial is less risky and will place less stress on the adjacent teeth.  Also, a bridge puts much less stress on the teeth it attaches to. You would need to scrap using the dental bridge and start over again if you have an issue with one of those teeth it is resting on. If you go with a partial, then you can add a tooth to it later with much less work and expense.

What I encourage you do is get a second opinion to find out if the bridge is the best way to go.

You can read more about this procedure here on our website.

How do I correct a bad breath problem?

By General Dentistry

I have a bad breath odor in my mouth. I brush my teeth daily, but this doesn’t seem to help. What should I do?

Henry in Jefferson, KY

Dear Henry,

Bad breath or a bad smell in your mouth can be caused by many issues. Most common is from the bacteria that are in your mouth. Brushing daily is a step in the right direction, but you should also floss your teeth daily. If this doesn’t help, then you may want to get a tongue cleaner.

You may also want to check out some over the counter products used to fight bad breath that you can purchase called BreathRx. Or you may want to purchase a special rinse for your mouth. These are very effective for fighting bad breath. There is also bad breath toothpaste you may want to use.

Read more about bad breath and other common dental problems here on our website.

NDS Care is now offering Snap-on Smile

By Snap-on Smile

Snap-on Smile is an affordable, non-invasive approach to restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Now you can achieve amazing results quickly and for much less cost compared to traditional dental makeovers like porcelain veneers.

The Snap-on Smile is made from crystallized acetyl resin at the Den-Mat laboratory located in Santa Maria, CA. To get started, just schedule your appointment with one of our qualified NDS Care dentists. During your visit with us, we will simply take an impression of your teeth to create a hardened plaster model. Then we send the model and detailed instructions outlining the smile design of your choice to the Den-Mat laboratory.

If properly taken care of, the Snap-on Smile should last up to four years, and it is even durable enough to wear while eating.

Patients who use the Snap-on Smile claim that they have gained higher self-esteem and more confidence.

To learn more about this affordable and quick smile makeover option, call us at (888) 873-4606!

Decayed Baby Teeth

By Pediatric Dentist

We took our 6-year-old son to the dentist, because we were concerned about his two baby molars that had broken due to cavities and decay. After the dentist examined my son’s teeth, he recommended extracting the molars right away. Should we follow our dentist’s advice?

Adele from Boston


Our method of treatment for infected adult teeth is to do a root canal, but since your son’s molars are still baby teeth, they should be extracted right away.  This is to prevent infection from spreading further into the gums and bone, which could then have an effect on the development of his permanent teeth.

Read more about pediatric dentistry and about our dedication to children and adult oral health.

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