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Dental Implants

Will dental implants be cheaper if I buy my own supplies on ebay?

By Affordable Dental Implants, Dental Implants

There are pages of inexpensive dental implant supplies on ebay. I am wondering if I can buy my own implant supplies and take them to a dentist who will install the implants for me. It’s like buying my own parts and paying for labor. It has to be cheaper than paying the markup costs at the dentist. Is this doable? – Russ

Russ – The cost of dental implants is an understandable concern. But quality is an even greater concern. A conscientious implant dentist will acquire all of the items needed to provide you with quality dental implants. This protocol erases the unknown results of a patient’s own purchases.

The quality, origin, and suitability of items you purchase on your own are questionable. Any variation can cause implant mistakes, infection, and failure.

We strongly recommend that you schedule consultations with three or four implant dentists. Ask questions about what each dentist does to ensure that you receive quality, successful dental implants. Also ensure that you understand your options for implants, the cost of dental implants from each provider, as well as the financial arrangements available to help make them affordable for you.

This post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

How do I know if my dental implant is infected?

By Dental Implants

I got 5 dental implants August 2014. There is pain in one of them and the gum looks a little swollen. Could there be food stuck that I can’t floss out? How do I know if the implant is infected? Thanks. Thomas


Thomas – Food that is trapped between your gums and the implant can lead to bacteria growth and infection. Also, if the dental implant crown doesn’t fit properly, it can irritate gum tissue and lead to infection. Low-quality implant fixtures and fixtures that aren’t properly placed can lead to infection. It is best to have the implant examined by your dentist.

Some of the signs of implant infection are:

  • Red, swollen, or bleeding gums
  • Persistent or increasing pain at the implant site
  • Loosening implants

Remember that you have the option of seeking a second opinion on the problem with the implant to determine the cause of the issue and the best way to treat it.

This post is sponsored by board-certified implant dentist and prosthodontist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

If I can’t afford a luxury car how can I afford all on 4?

By All-on-4 Dental Implants, Dental Implants

If I can’t afford a luxury car, how can I all of a sudden afford All-On-4 implants? I would need upper and lower implants and now I am finding out how much it really costs. Where I live it is over $60k. I saw 3 different implant dentist and their story about what I need done and how much it will cost is pretty much the same. There is no way ever I could go into debt that much. I feel helpless. Can I get this done cheaper elsewhere? This is really making the quality of my life difficult. – Elon W.

Elon– If you visited three different implants dentists and were quoted comparable rates, you were given a reasonable quote for All-On-4 implants, based on where you live in the country. If you find a dentist who will do the procedure for considerably less, be concerned about the quality of the implants and the quality of the procedure.

There are other options. Find an experienced implant dentist to discuss them with you. If All-On-4 implants are not within your budget, you may be a candidate for implant-supported dentures with as few as two dental implants.

You can speak with the same dentists with whom you discussed the All-On-4 implants, or you can find other qualified implant dentists and explore your options.

This post is sponsored by board-certified implant dentist and prosthodontist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

Looking for dentist to remove and replace cheap dental implants

By Dental Implants

5 years ago I got dental implants in Mexico. I’ve had problems since I got them. They were no good from the beginning but since I spend money on them, I decided to stick it out. I am having pain in one of the implants and am certain that it is infected. I don’t want to go back to Mexico to start this all over again. Will I be able to find a dentist here who will take out the implants and replace them, or will he not want to touch my mouth because I went to Mexico to get them? Jordan

Jordan – We have seen several cases of patients who opted for cheap dental implants and ended up doubling the cost to have implants removed and replaced.

Yes, you will be able to find a dentist who will remove your implants. But removal and replacement are not all done at the same time. After the implants are removed, you need to repeat the same steps that were required to receive implants. Diagnostic studies are required. It will also be verified whether or not you are a candidate for implants.

After removal, the implant sites need time to stabilize. Decisions need to be made on the best position for your new implants, and it will be determined if bone grafting is required.

We strongly recommend that you find a highly trained and highly experienced implant dentist for the removal and replacement. It will greatly increase your chances of having successful implants this time.

This post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist and board-certified prosthodontist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

Can a dental implant bridge be used on front teeth?

By Dental Bridge, Dental Implants

Just from reading about the cost of implants I know I can’t do singles for my missing front teeth. I have 6 missing and the partial denture is way too uncomfortable. I am wondering if a dental implant bridge can be used on front teeth. – Nap

Nap – An implant-supported bridge can be used on front teeth. We recommend that you first visit a skilled implant dentist to find out if you are a candidate for dental implants.

The advantages of an implant-supported bridge over a partial denture are clear. Unlike a partial denture, the bridge will be stable and look and feel like your natural teeth. Dental implants prevent bone shrinkage.

Before deciding on an implant-supported bridge, find out your options for replacing your teeth. Depending on your case, a bridge may not be best for you. Also consider how long the bridge will last and how much it will cost. Compare your options with the cost of individual implants and how long individual implants will last. Be sure to ask how treatment can be made affordable for you.

This post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

Can more implants be added to All on 4?

By All-on-4 Dental Implants, Dental Implants

I like the All on 4 idea, but I am wondering if I can add 2 to 4 more implants so that it would be really All on 6 or All on 8? Thanks Donovan

Donovan – All-on-4 implants are an affordable way to secure upper and lower restorations with four highly angled implants. Four is the minimum number of implants used, but you can choose more.

Six to eight implants per arch will give your new smile even more stability. They will also increase the area in which jawbone shrinkage is prevented. The additional implants can be placed right away, or you can choose to wait and have them added later.

This procedure is not for everyone. It must be performed with care and precision to avoid implant mistakes. Speak with a board-certified prosthodontist to find out if All-on-4 implants are right for your case, and to discuss your interest in increasing the number of implants that are placed.

This post is sponsored by board-certified prosthodontist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

Discount dental implants won’t heal and I have an incision opening

By Dental Implants

I got dental discount implants 5 weeks ago. 2 weeks ago I started feeling some discomfort so called the implant surgeon. He said there is probably an opening in the incision line. I have to go back next Tuesday. Is this something that will keep happening and my won’t heal? Omar E.

Omar –

An incision in the gums is made to access the jawbone. After that, an opening is made in the bone to insert the dental implant. Each edge of the gum tissue is sutured, or sewn, together.

Sometimes the incision opens. There are several reasons this can occur, and a few are listed below:

  • Stress on gum tissue – A large area of bone was exposed and a large amount of gum tissue pulled away from it. There was insufficient blood supply to the gum tissue, which can prevent proper healing, or cause the gum tissue to die.
  • Excess bone grafting material – When too much grafting material is used, the sutures can be pulled too tightly around the implant. The gum tissue’s blood supply is cut off, the gums won’t heal, and the suture will open.
  • Medical history – At times, patients with a history of diabetes experience problems with healing in the surgical site.

When you return to your implant surgeon, he or she will examine the surgical site and explain why the incision opened. You will also receive information on what will be done to correct the situation. In part, the resolution depends on the stability of the dental implant.

After you find out how your implant surgeon will correct the problem, you have the option of seeking a second opinion from an experienced implant dentist. We recommend that you find a board-certified prosthodontist. Ask both dentists about the chances of the problem recurring. Compare the responses you receive from each dentist to make an informed decision about your treatment.

This post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist and board-certified prosthodontist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

When a sinus lift is needed for dental implants

By Dental Implants, Sinus Lift

A sinus lift is also known as sinus augmentation or elevation. It is required when the sinus cavity enlarges due to bone shrinkage that occurs when upper back teeth are missing. As the jawbone shrinks, the sinuses grow and consume more space. Also, as we age, sinuses grow in volume.

The procedure raises the sinus floor, and bone grafting, or augmentation, provides the bone density required to support dental implants. The bone is added below the sinus cavity, but it does not cause sinus, speech, or intonation problems. Your implant surgeon will explain which technique will be used to raise the sinus cavity.

Autogenous, or your own bone tissue, provides the best results and the fastest healing period. Bone can be also obtained from human cadaver tissue banks, animal bone tissue banks, or synthetic tissue. All sources are regulated for sanitation and safety. Your implant dentist will explain your options, and what to expect from each of them.

After the grafting is completed, there is generally a four to twelve month healing period—depending on your case and the source of the bone tissue—after which dental implants can be placed. The strong, dense bone will support dental implants and ensure they will last. At times, the augmentation and dental implant placement can be completed as one procedure, but enough stable bone must be present.

After the bone heals around the implants, a dental crown will be secured to the implant. Your implants will feel and function like natural teeth.

The sinus lift, or augmentation, has been safely used for decades. The results are predictable. The procedure increases your chances of having successful implant placement and retention. Most patients experience only minimal discomfort with the procedure.

If you require dental implants in the area where upper back teeth were located, your implant dentist will determine if you have adequate bone density. Examination and diagnostic studies will help your implant dentist make the determination. If a sinus elevation is required, your options will be explained.

This post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist and board-certified prosthodontist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.


My wife has no upper teeth and her face is sagging

By Dental Implants, Dentures, Facial Collapse

My wife is only 57 yrs old and she has full upper dentures. I am watching her go through periods of deep depression as we both notice that her face is starting to sag. She is very active and very conscious about her appearance. Unfortunate circumstances in life led to loss of most of her teeth and dentures were recommended 6 years ago. I will do what I have to so she can get her confidence back. Will dental implants help her face regain its shape? Thanks Tomas

Tomas – The first step is for your wife to receive an evaluation from a skilled implant dentist who will determine if she is a candidate for dental implants. Your wife’s medical history needs to be reviewed and diagnostic studies are needed.

Teeth are necessary to stimulate jawbone growth and retention. The jawbone supports teeth and facial muscles and tissue, including the cheeks, chin, and lips. When your teeth are missing and facial sagging occurs, it means that jawbone shrinkage has started. When dentures rest on the jawbone, it accelerates shrinkage. Individual dental implants or implant-supported dentures can help.

Dental implants help preserve jawbone. But they also require sufficient jawbone density to support them. When bone grafting is needed there are several options.

  • Autograft – This process harvests your own bone tissue. Depending on where you have adequate bone density that can be used for grafting, the bone can be harvested from the back of your jaw, or from your chin, shin, or hip. This is the safest, most effective means of grafting.
  • Allograft – The source is human cadaver bone from a reputable tissue bank. Donors are screened for infectious disease, and the tissue is thoroughly processed and sterilized. There are risks though, which are similar to the risks of blood transfusion.
  • Xenograft – Bone tissue is provided from an animal. Commonly, cow bone is used. Tissue banks screen the tissue for safety.
  • Alloplast – There are various types of synthetic bone tissue available. Based on your needs and current research, the implant surgeon will determine what is best for your case.

We recommend that you and your wife schedule a few consultations with skilled prosthodontists. A prosthodontist has two years of post-graduate training specific to the replacement and restoration of teeth. Prepare questions for the consultation and take notes to compare the options and risks explained by each specialist. Your preparation will help you and your wife make an informed decision about her oral health.

This post is sponsored by Naperville board-certified prosthodontist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

How many implants are needed for a lower denture?

By Dental Implants, Dentures

Surveys indicate that 80% of patients who have a lower denture are not happy with they way it fits or functions. A mandibular denture can lift when you speak or chew, or cause pain in the molar areas.

Although as few as two implants can be used to stabilize the denture, the number of recommended implants may vary, depending on the issues you are experiencing.

  • Dentures that lift when you speak or chew – This problem can occur due to lack of jawbone density or insufficient seal of the denture against your jawbone. Often, two dental implants between the premolar and canine area are sufficient. Your implant dentist will ensure proper spacing of the implants to prevent the denture from tipping and coming off the implants.
  • Burning or sharp pain when you bite – As the jawbone shrinks due to missing teeth, the tooth nerves can slowly move to the bone ridge. Sensitivity commonly occurs in the nerves in the area where premolar teeth existed. Biting puts pressure on the nerves and causes radiating pain.

    In this case, stabilizing the denture with implants is not enough. The tooth nerves need to be alleviated of the pressure that the denture is placing on them. At least four dental implants will be needed to accomplish this. Careful planning and placement is required to ensure there are adequate bone density, ideal placement, and no pressure on the nerves. Some dentists recommend a bar-retained denture. The customized bar will extend over the nerve-sensitive area and alleviate your pain. Some patients hesitate to receive a bar-retained denture because it is more expensive than receiving implants alone.

Finding a skilled implant dentist is important to the success of stabilizing your denture and addressing the cause of your slippage or pain. We recommend that you seek two or three opinions from experienced prosthodontists. An examination and diagnostic studies are required to determine the best treatment options for your case. In advance of your consultations, prepare questions and compare notes. If you need financing or a payment plan, you can ask each prosthodontist about his or her financial arrangements.

This post is sponsored by Naperville board-certified prosthodontist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

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