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Bad smell around my veneers

By May 26, 2012December 3rd, 2018Porcelain Veneers

I had some porcelain veneers done about six months ago. I LOVE how they look, but I’ve developed a horrible smell around it. Whenever I floss, or rub the gum around the area, it smells like vomit. I have a hard time not getting sick from the smell. Even my boss has mentioned it. My dentist said I’m just not cleaning it well enough, but I’m very faithful with my oral hygiene. I’m using Supersmile Toothpaste, as well as Dr. Katz’s products. I’m brushing and flossing after each meal, but within 20 minutes the smell is back. Is there anything that can be done? I’m desperate.

Mercedes- Orlando, FL


This is a serious situation. It is important to get it taken care of right away. I would go to a different dentist. Though you like how the porcelain veneers look, something was done incorrectly. I suspect you have overhangs or some other marginal defect under there.  You were fortunate to have a bad smell that warned you of the situation. This will lead to gum disease, or even your teeth coming loose. Get it looked into as soon as possible.

This blog is brought to you by Naperville Dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

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