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Dr. Anthony LaVacca

Thinking about dentures instead of replacing implant teeth

By Dental Implants, Dentures

Between my upper and lower teeth I have 12 implant teeth that need to be replaced. I think the crowns are about 14 years old now and they are worn. I remember how much it cost when I first got the implants and I don’t have that kind of money now. I have retired and my income is limited. I think dentures are the way to go this time. Do you have any tips for me on what to look for with dentures? Thanks – Tommy

Tommy – There are some things you should consider before deciding to receive removable dentures:

  • The original cost of your dental implants included the cost of the implant surgery and placement, which will not be repeated for new implant crowns.
  • There is not much difference in price tween the implant crowns and complete removable dentures, but there is difference in the function.
  • Your chewing efficiency will be cut in half with removable dentures. Also, your palate will be covered, and you will enjoy food less.
  • Your dental implants will need to be removed to receive complete removable dentures. When all of your teeth are missing, your jawbone shrinks, and in about 15 years, facial collapse will occur. Then, if you are able to keep the denture in your mouth, your gums will be sore and irritated.

Many patients are satisfied with removable dentures, but you already have implants in place. Speak with your dentist about the cost of implant crowns versus complete removable dentures. If you decide that you want dentures, find a dentist who will customize the dentures to give you a comfortable fit, and who uses quality teeth for the dentures to give you a natural-looking smile.

This post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

Replacing a front bottom tooth

By Dental Implants

I have a front bottom tooth that is missing the one that is immediately to the right of the center. What do you recommend for it? Thank y ou! Esther from Iowa.


Replacing lower front teeth (mandibular incisors) requires excellent skills, because the teeth are small. If the teeth on either side of the missing one are in good condition, a dental implant can be used for the replacement. A very small implant will need to be used, and care must be taken to allow enough space between it and the adjacent teeth so that no damage is done to the roots of those teeth.

A dental bridge is another option. The bridge requires the adjacent teeth to be shaved down and to have crowns placed on them. The replacement tooth will be suspended between the two crowns. The bridge must be designed correctly to avoid damaging the remaining tooth structure.

Be sure to find an implant dentist with experience in working with smaller teeth. Check the dentist’s implant credentials to ensure he or she has the skills required for replacing tooth.

This blog post is sponsored by Naperville Implant dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

Why do my implants keep getting infected?

By Bone Grafting, Dental Implant Mistakes, Dental Implants

10 years ago I received three dental implants. I have had problems with the implants since they were placed. I’ve had several infections. The oral surgeon has done follow-up surgeries but I still get infections. He says that it’s genetics and my body is predisposed to rejecting the implants, and there is nothing wrong with the implants or the surgeries he performed. He is referring me to a periodontist now. I am not comfortable with this situation. How do I know whether he is hiding something or if my body really is rejecting the implants? – Cynthia from New Jersey


It is possible for a person to reject dental implants. And it is possible that surgical errors had a role in causing the infections. In order to get an accurate diagnosis, you need an examination by an experienced implant dentist.

If the implant fixtures are loose, they need to be removed. Bone grafting may be needed and after it heals, new implants need to be placed.

Get a second opinion from a credentialed implant dentist.

This blog post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist Dr. Anthony LaVaca.

Can a child get dental implants?

By Dental Implants

My son is 11 years old and he has no lateral incisors. Is he old enough for dental implants? I don’t want him go into his teen years with the teeth missing. Those years are hard enough without him being teased. Terri R. – Allentown, PA

Terri – When your son is in his late teens and his jawbone has fully developed, you can find a good implant dentist to give him a thorough examination and determine if he is a candidate for dental implants.

Until then, an orthodontist can provide him with an appliance to keep the spaces open for future implants. Acrylic teeth can be embedded in the appliance in place of the missing incisors. This will help your son not to be self-conscious and to avoid embarrassment or being teased.

This blog post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

Trauma to tooth

By Dental Emergency

Last night my teeth collided with my husband’s head. It is still sore this morning. It is also a little loose. How long will it feel like this?  Will it turn gray? Will it always be loose?

Katarina L from Phoenix, AZ


I think it is important you see your dentist as soon as possible to have your tooth evaluated. You’ve got blunt force trauma. Your symptoms make me wonder if the nerve of the tooth is damaged or if you have a fractured tooth root.  If the nerve is damage, your dentist should recommend a root canal and a dental crown in order to save your tooth.

To answer some of your other questions, yes, it will turn gray eventually if there is nerve damage. However, you should have any problem taken care of well before that can happen. Your tooth will tighten back up unless you have a severe fracture.

This blog is brought to you by Naperville Dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

Why do my dental implants keep failing?

By Dental Implants

Over the past five years I have tried to get implants for three missing teeth, but they have all failed. The surgeon has taken extreme care and rebuilt my jawbone in those places, but my body seems to keep rejecting them. My implant dentist is clueless. I want to replace these teeth. What do you suggest? – Margo

Margo – In rare instances, because of body chemistry, there are patients for whom dental implants don’t work. The situation is similar to a patient’s body that rejects a tissue transplant.

It is surprising that, if you have an implant dentist, he or she is clueless. If you want reassurance, get a second opinion from a credentialed implant dentist. Take a look at our Meet Dr. LaVacca web page to get an idea of the kind of credentials you should look for in a dentist from whom you will receive a second opinion.

If your body is rejecting the implants, the implant dentist will be able to recommend alternate treatments. Although implants are the most effective and natural-looking tooth replacement, there are alternatives that will also look natural.

This blog post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist and American Board-certified prosthodontist Dr. Anthony LaVacca

Too many implant failures

By Dental Implants

I’ve had so any implant failures on my two lower front teeth that my surgeon is stumped. He said he’s never seen this many failures before.   Do you know why? Is there ANY chance I can get implants?

Candice from Georgia


In many cases, dental implants fail because of some mistake on the part of the surgeon/dentist. However, that is not always the case. Dental implants can fail due to no error whatsoever. For some patients, there is a rare condition with their body chemistry that causes their body to reject the implants, sort of the way some patients can reject a heart or kidney transplant. It just isn’t compatible with their body. If you’ve had many implant failures with a skilled implant dentist/surgeon, you may be one of those rare cases.

That being said, I wouldn’t despair yet. When you said your dentist was “stumped”, it made me wonder about just how skilled he or she truly is. He shouldn’t be stumped. My suggestion is that you get a second opinion. However, I want you to be careful about to whom you go for the second opinion.

Go to the website of either the International Congress of Oral Implantologists, or the American Board of Oral Implantology. Check their membership rolls for a surgeon with fellowship or diplomate status. These surgeons will have impeccable credentials.  You can be an exemplary implant dentist without that status, but this will be a sort of guarantee for you that you’ll be getting the best possible information.

This blog is brought to you by Naperville Dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.


Why do the crowns make my implants hurt?

By Dental Implant Mistakes, Dental Implants, Porcelain Crown

I received four dental implants, but the crowns seem to make them hurt. Whenever the crowns are placed on the implants I feel pain. Is something wrong with the crowns or is it the implants. I talked to the surgeon about it, but I got nowhere with him. The thought of what could have gone wrong is starting to make me nervous. What can I do? Thanks for your help – Danielle from Minnesota

Danielle – Without an examination, it is not possible to say precisely what is causing your problem, but we can tell you what is potentially causing your pain.

The dental implants may be affecting a nerve, they may be too small, they may be incorrectly placed, there might be an infection around them, or there may be too much stress on them—in which case, the crowns can increase the stress and cause pain.

The normal pain after implants are placed usually lasts only one or two weeks. If crowns are being placed on your implants, then you have passed the recommended healing period of three to four months, and the crowns are not likely to be the cause of the pain.

Your surgeon has no input on what may be causing the problem, so we recommend that you get a second opinion from a different implant dentist. Check his or her credentials to ensure that he or she is skilled in implant placement.

This blog post is sponsored by Naperville implant dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

Bad root canal

By Root Canal Treatment

I had a root canal. I don’t think it was done right cause I am in tons of pain.  It makes me sick in my stomach to the point I think I’m going to vomit. What do you think is happening? I don’t want this anymore and am thinking of just getting rid of the tooth.

Rebecca from Colorado


It is quite common for a root canal treatment to have a painful flare up, even if nothing was done wrong. Occasionally, infected material get’s pushed through the apex into the bone, which causes the ligament in that area to get inflamed and painful. Though the pain can be difficult to tolerate, it isn’t serious and your body should be able to fight the infection on its own.

Rather than pull your tooth after all the effort of saving it with a root canal, I would ask your dentist to reduce your bite. This will almost completely eliminate your pain. Generally, after a root canal treatment, a tooth is protected with a dental crown. If you have the bite reduced now, it won’t change anything that needs to be done to the tooth later.

You may also be interest in reading about Tooth Decay, Prevention, and Treatment.

This blog is brought to you by Naperville Dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

Should I get a metal foundation crown if I’m allergic to metal?

By Dental Crowns


My dentist wants to give me a porcelain fused to metal crown for my recent root canal. The problem is I’m allergic to metal. What about Zirconia? Would that be a better option?

Denise L. – Colorado Springs


If your rash comes from things like cheap jewelry, than you are more than likely allergic to the nickel.  Any good dentist will include a question about metal allergies in your health questionnaire. Hopefully your dentist asked you about that. If not, I would consider a different dentist for your oral health needs.

If your allergy is to nickel, than you don’t have to worry about any precious metals in your mouth. There are three categories of metals used in dental crowns.

  • Base metals (non-precious metals)-Base metals are still and inexpensive. They are very likely to have nickel in them.
  • Noble metals (semi-precious metals)-These are softer and more workable. They have  have at least 40% of a combination of gold, platinum, and palladium. The rest will be silver and very tiny amounts of indium, gallium, copper, tin, zinc, and others.
  • High-noble metals (precious metals)-High noble metals are even softer and more workable. These are more accurate than the other two. They’re made of at least 60% noble metals, usually more, with most of that being in gold and platinum.

You shouldn’t have any problems with a nickel allergy with either noble or high noble metals in your dental crowns. If your dentist is familiar AND experienced with using Zirconia then that will be fine. However, if he isn’t, than I wouldn’t push him. It is a fairly new technique and he’d need training with it.

This blog is brought to you by Naperville Dentist Dr. Anthony LaVacca.

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